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Which new logo do you prefer the most?

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By evo_lucian
Leo wrote:My preference would be my last one, but feel free to do as you please.

Maybe this below would be the best of both.



P.S. With regards to the penultimate, and the one before it, I had the crude idea of a square pulse oscilloscope wave going through my mind as I was creating them, and obviously the letter S also for one of them.
Really like this one but I think the figure 8 is a lil too big and it over powers the text but that's a minor issue
By ker0
I know I'm late to the party, but I think logos should be simple and easy to recognize. Here is my take on this:
speeduinologo.png (42.5 KiB) Viewed 10393 times
By Leo

what about some original thought ...

With regards to what makes a good logo, take a look at some world famous logos, Mercedes, IBM, McDonalds, Nike, Dell etc

None of them need any more than the bare minimum to be recognisable.

All extra text and fine detail is superfluous and just creates clutter.

Would any one really want all that detail in an embroidered logo?

On a small logo, fine detail just becomes a smudge.

Having said that, I do confess an adjustment of the aspect ratio does help.

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Interesting how some keep pointing to mega corporations with billions in marketing dollars spent to pound simple logos into our brains over, and over, and over again as some sort of indicator of a good logo for our little project. Without that vast marketing resource, a logo has to mean something to grab the attention of people that could be interested. What do boxes, slashes, and infinity symbols have to do with EFI, ignition, and DIY engine control?

Sincere question.

By Leo
If you can have a logo which looks professional for free, that would be my choice, as opposed to some tacky thing that looks like it was created in kinder garden.

I believe the connection between the "uino" of Speeduino, and the infinity symbol should be obvious.

I can only presume that the Arduino people used the infinity symbol as a suggestion that the options for employing an Arduino are limitless, (as they are with Speeduino also).

I can only presume that the original Speeduino designer intended to have a name related somehow to the Arduino, hence my proposed continued connection to the Arduino brand via the infinity symbol.

I would never have dreamed of using the infinity symbol if the original concept had been called ATMELO rather than Speeduino.
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I get the Arduino tie, Leo, and thanks for the thought and consideration to pull that in. Image You are at least trying to tie a story or meaning to a symbol, which is necessary if it is to have any meaning or value without massive marketing. My question to those voting for simple logos (which are stylish and generated to be instant triggers for brands after massive marketing campaigns); which is what those symbols have to do with EFI, ignition, and DIY engine control? You know, our group project? Catch22. Simple and easy to remember needs marketing. No marketing needs visual info, description, or meaning. All of us here already know what Speeduino is, and simple style is fine for us if we plan to hold the user population at current levels, as it then needs no purpose except to please our eyes. But, we don't have much choice in these options if the logo is to be effective to the uninformed. Nobody said logo creation is easy, the voting is coming to a close, and we must keep in-mind the purpose of it.

PS: It would seem obvious, the most widely known DIY EFI system of global recognition is Megasquirt, which through its development life has used logos including relevant parts to make connection. Injector sprays, injectors, trigger wheels with flames, etc. Connections to what it does. Now that MS is so well known, they can use whatever they want—but not when they started—and they still use the injector spray on all their sites. The designs may have been somewhat geeky, but they served a more important purpose. Examples:
favicon.png (1.88 KiB) Viewed 10283 times
MSEFI_logo.png (48.09 KiB) Viewed 10283 times
MSlogoPlain.jpg (13.35 KiB) Viewed 10283 times

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