Any strange behaviour, crashing issues etc, post them here! Problems compiling the firmware should go in the General support section rather than here
By Canary90

I´m running a speeduino V0.4.4 with Arduino Mega 2560 on a Mercedes 190E W201 2.3 8v.

I have two problems:

1-I haven´t got injector signal when I enable test mode,but Ignition works perfect.

2- My ecu doesn´t recognize rpm signal from crank (36-1 trigger wheel and Ford Zetec VR sensor) but I have signal in my osciloscope (1.2v avergae and good signal).
If I put Basic distributor and conect the tacho signal from the car to the speeduino´s cam imput ,(and program on tuner studio) i have rmp signal (hall 0-10v on osciloscope,hall 0-5v on speeduino with the VR conditioner).

Anyone knows where could be the problem? I tried different ecus and mega,and I have the same on all.

Thanks a lot,and excuse my bad english.
Canary90 wrote: Fri Jan 17, 2025 10:55 am
1-I haven´t got injector signal when I enable test mode,but Ignition works perfect.
Make sure board layout is correct, and I hope you are measuring it correctly. These are open drain outputs. Mosfet connects the pin to ground as opposed to the FET driver outputs on ignition channels.
Canary90 wrote: Fri Jan 17, 2025 10:55 am 2- My ecu doesn´t recognize rpm signal from crank (36-1 trigger wheel and Ford Zetec VR sensor) but I have signal in my osciloscope (1.2v avergae and good signal).
If I put Basic distributor and conect the tacho signal from the car to the speeduino´s cam imput ,(and program on tuner studio) i have rmp signal (hall 0-10v on osciloscope,hall 0-5v on speeduino with the VR conditioner).

Post your jumper configuration and your tune.
By Canary90
Thanks a lot for responding.

The problem with the inyector is solved.The cause of the problem was a bad ground connection.

The rpm problem continues and I cant solve it.

My jumpers configuration is JP2 and JP3 on TSC (VR) (I have a cam signal from the ignition module,type Hall,but is 10v,so I need the VR conditioner to reduce it)
Jumper to secondary is on,and jumper for primary is off.

Maybe I need to put the primary pullup on?

Actually I changed the parameters for basic distributor using only cam signal (and I have signal)

For more information,Im using the car with standar ignition and KE injection,I want to convert to EFI when i have all the signals ready.
By Canary90
jonbill wrote: Sat Jan 18, 2025 2:00 pm it looks like you've not started with the base tune. Many settings and tables in your tune are blank and that'll cause all sorts of problems.
I'd suggest start again, following the instructions in the wiki e.g.

Thanks a lot for your help.

I did what you recommended without success.

Finally I did an experiment with other ignition module,y put the VR signal from the crank to the module,with positive after key (+15) and ground (-31).
With this, I got a hall signal btween 0 - 4.80 volts.
I connected the signal to the ECU,configured the jumpers for Hall signal and pullup resistor,and problem solved.
Now I can connect ignition and injection,and start tunning.

Im very grateful for your help.

Greetings from Canary Islands.

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