- Tue Jul 02, 2024 8:58 pm
Hello every one, I kinda bumped into Speeduino looking for an affordable ECU for a Go Cart!
Now I am stuck in it and decided I should give it a try. So I have done my own design and will soon also build an engine simulator so if any folks should build my project they can troubleshoot easily if any problem should rise!
What I love about this "ecu" system is the Tuner Studio Software! Woaw! Amazing, for a couple of dollars, liters of coffee and basic electronics knowledge you can design yourself a pretty good ECU. But you will need the learning curve, no good deal is easy or free, you will have to invest yourself in it!
So Here is my Stage X Project, a packed small form factor version:
4 injectors [Full Seq]
4 COP [ Waisted COP, so I kept only 2 drivers]
1 Flex Fuel INPUT [Important to me because fuel octane levels varies from one dealers to an other and you can switch fuel]
1 Boost Control OUPUT [cause I love the sound of that]
1 High Current OUPUT [You never know what crazy idea you can hook to it]
1 Bluetooth Interface
And all the mandatories, did not keep the Tacho output though for a laque of pins but not a problem for me.
With all that said, thought I could give you a snick pict of the project
Now I am stuck in it and decided I should give it a try. So I have done my own design and will soon also build an engine simulator so if any folks should build my project they can troubleshoot easily if any problem should rise!
What I love about this "ecu" system is the Tuner Studio Software! Woaw! Amazing, for a couple of dollars, liters of coffee and basic electronics knowledge you can design yourself a pretty good ECU. But you will need the learning curve, no good deal is easy or free, you will have to invest yourself in it!
So Here is my Stage X Project, a packed small form factor version:
4 injectors [Full Seq]
4 COP [ Waisted COP, so I kept only 2 drivers]
1 Flex Fuel INPUT [Important to me because fuel octane levels varies from one dealers to an other and you can switch fuel]
1 Boost Control OUPUT [cause I love the sound of that]
1 High Current OUPUT [You never know what crazy idea you can hook to it]
1 Bluetooth Interface
And all the mandatories, did not keep the Tacho output though for a laque of pins but not a problem for me.
With all that said, thought I could give you a snick pict of the project
We build stuffs for cars...