For discussion of Speeduino compatible boards designed / built by other members of the forum and for guidance around making such a board
Hi, before anything I have to say I have close to 0 knowledge about electronics so please don't judge me to harsh :D

I want to run Vag coils for my m52 turbo build and I have some questions.
I have been learning about speeduino for some while and studying pazi88 boards, and it seems to me that the ign coil for m52 are running of +5v and vag coils need +12v right ? or am I missing something. So if I change TC4424EPA, VDD pin from +5 to +12 it should work ?

if the cops are smart cop's then you will connect 5v to them for signal, and they will have either 3 or 4 pins. Gnd, 12v, signal. And possibly another Gnd going back to the speedy board.

for 2 pin cops you will need an ignitor between the cops and ignition outputs (signal) on the speedy board. A bosch 211 is an example for a 4 cylinder engine.
No, the internal drivers need to stay. The ignitor is an intermediate component. The coil cuts ground through the ignitor at the appropriate moment as determined by the signal from the TC4424EPA. So the TC4424EPA sends 5v to the ignitor to tell it when to break the circuit to the 12v on the coil. The ignitor consists of large load carrying transistors. Part of the reason for it is to keep flyback (a high voltage surge as the magnetic field collapses) away from Speeduino. Smart coils have the transistors built in.

There is probably a description on the Wiki somewhere. :)
Please post the make and part number of the coils you want to use.

Speeduino times the coil dwell and firing. It sends a 5V signal out from the TC4424 (or similar) chip on the PCB. This signal goes to either
1) an active ("smart") coil with built-in driver, or
2) a power transistor (ICM or "ignitor") that then drives the passive ("dumb") coil to turn the coil on (dwell) and off (fire).

You can see that a 'smart' (active) coil is just a 'dumb' (passive) coil with the coil driver mounted inside. ;)


Please read the Ignition section of the Wiki to see how it works. The ignition descriptions and concepts sections of the Wiki have been removed by @noisymime (Josh). Unfortunately, a large amount of user reference material is now missing from the Wiki. To see an archived version of that section look here: ... ents#Coils
Ah, the VAG reds. 4-pin with built-in driver. Yes, just wire them to power(+) and engine ground(-), and directly from Speeduino IGN output and the signal return (signal ground) at a Speeduino ground. This should follow your setup in the Wiki Ignition page. IGN output voltage should be set 5V, and firing is set to Going Low.

Okey, thanks. But ir disagree with you or i didnt understand you correcly.
If vag red coils use their own coil driver that needs to have +5v signal, and speeduino have its own driver that sends ground singal to coils , it cant work like that.
I think i have to remove this igbt and connect pin C with pin G (thats would then be +5v to coil) and leave pin E empty (igbt ground).
IMG-20240406-WA0030.jpg (11.78 KiB) Viewed 1878 times
Ah correct, I looked at Pazi's v2.2, and it does have coil power drivers on the board already. The concept is exactly the same as I posted and is in the Wiki, in order to signal the COP built-in driver with 5V. Your issue at this point is to move the signal from the ISL9V input to the COP input, or change the ISL9V output to inverted 5V.

I'm sure Pazi has a recommended solution, but the first common ones (using IGN1 as example) are to either:
Move IC1.2 (TC4424) IGN-1-OUT output to anywhere from Q16 (ISL9V) Collector-to-pin29 in order to bypass the ISL9V and send the 5V signal directly to the COP.
• Insert an 82-ohm ½-watt 5V pullup on Q16 output, and invert the Q16 operation in code.

@Pazi88 probably has a slick way to do this or other similar option. I'd PM him if you don't get an answer here.

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