Sounds good. You can reuse your existing components. The crank sensor is VR, so you'll need a VR signal conditioner module. The cam is Hall, single-tooth (half-moon). Easy 36-1/1 setup. The coil is passive without an internal driver (not "smart") so you'll have to add two coil drivers/modules between the ECM output and the coils. Lots of options for those, do a search for Mitsu/DSM 1 to 6 channel and just use 2, or Bosch, Toyota, or a hundred others I can't list here. Injectors are likely high-Z/saturated, so good there if so, and you'll need the latency (opening and dead-time) info for setup. CLT and IAT are fine. Use that info to search for setup info in the Wiki and TS - it's "Ford". Next!
Goals for the truck? If mostly typical street boost, you're good so far. Totally to the side, but I have an extra set of 4.0L OHV turbo header flanges cut for the schedule elbows to build a stout set of manifolds. Not doing those anymore and taking shelf space so they'd be cheap, except shipping.

Not an ad, just throwing it out there if useful to you.