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By metcap
Ok is it even possible to have almost no lag in a normal ignition setup.
Ya pls dun get me wrong, I'm all for giving it whatever it needs to make power, hell I dun even have access to a dyno to tune up to the last miniscule hp.
But for mere mortal setups if you set fixed timing and you see 2deg retard as you rev up wouldn't it be better if we could tune it out?
By dazq
metcap wrote: Mon Nov 27, 2023 1:54 pm Ok is it even possible to have almost no lag in a normal ignition setup.
Ya pls dun get me wrong, I'm all for giving it whatever it needs to make power, hell I dun even have access to a dyno to tune up to the last miniscule hp.
But for mere mortal setups if you set fixed timing and you see 2deg retard as you rev up wouldn't it be better if we could tune it out?
So if you can make and post here a log with it's matching tune for us , with some notes showing what your timing gun reads as the retard you mention occurs , then we can investigate / recreate.
I think the point here is that until someone or many put forward that information it is near impossible to fix if we can't recreate it. I don't think a single of us who do Dev work on speedy have the same test bench or test vehicle/s so some reference to guide our search is always welcome.
By runesm
I'm gonna chime in here. I've asked for this function some years back. Used it a lot in megasquirt.
Its a way of taking the lag in ignitionoutput circuit and coil away.

Set fixed trigger, raise engine rpm full sweep slowly. If ign drifts, up the value. At one point it stops drifting. If you go over, you just get a fixed delay in the full rev range.

Its really a no-loss to add it
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By jonbill
well, there is the small matter of someone implementing it, testing it and then later fixing all the ensuing bugs. And then there's all the other features that can't be implemented in the future because of the space taken up by this one.

I'm not against it, but since I and others don't have the symptoms, and the symptoms sound similar to the problems you get with misconfigured VR sensors/conditioners, I'd rather see more evidence that there's a problem. like actual measurements of latency in ignition systems.

Anyway, it's all moot until you find someone to implement it (or have a go yourself).
By metcap
I'm gonna chime in here. I've asked for this function some years back. Used it a lot in megasquirt.
Its a way of taking the lag in ignitionoutput circuit and coil away.
Hahahh seems I'm late to the game and seems it's a lost cause trying to push for this. Just thinking could it be that this might be more perceivable in lower resolution wheels like my 12-1. But however you cut it, it's something that can't be built out of ignition systems ignitors, coils, cables, spark plug.
By dazq
metcap wrote: Tue Nov 28, 2023 12:18 pm
I'm gonna chime in here. I've asked for this function some years back. Used it a lot in megasquirt.
Its a way of taking the lag in ignitionoutput circuit and coil away.
Hahahh seems I'm late to the game and seems it's a lost cause trying to push for this. Just thinking could it be that this might be more perceivable in lower resolution wheels like my 12-1. But however you cut it, it's something that can't be built out of ignition systems ignitors, coils, cables, spark plug.
It is not a lost cause!

As I said above in post #65992
If no body ever gives us the data needed the then what can be done?
If we can't recreate it with our own setups how can it progress?
Posting up your data will help in the long run.
By apollard
I've done 3 distributor speedy systems, and none have shown what you describe. So low resolution is likely not involved. These were all high load engines, so ensuring correct timing at higher rpm is essential. All used genuine GM ignition components so that might be part of why. I found a variety of trigger and timing issues in my applications with aftermarket components.

IME features are integrated based on demand when data is provided showing the prob,em and thereforethepossiblesolution. Otherwise, it is up to each person. For example, in have code that adds the second O2 into the value used in speedy. However I dropped it because I found it was 'fixing' a non existent problem and didn't allow display and logging of O2 on both banks.
By miker
With no more information than what is on this thread, this does sound awfully like badly configured VR conditioner.

That will appear to hold a good signal at low rpm then drift as rpm increases. I've had a bee in my bonnet over the last year getting help added to the wiki and tuner studio to try to get people to configure correctly.

Not saying what you describe doesn't exist, just with the information available at present something else seems more likely.
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