Help with building your Speeduino, installing it, getting it to run etc.
Start this thread with a preamble:

Previous long thread: viewtopic.php?t=5544

The following has been done:

Fuel system upgrade - not working as well as I would like so it is an ongoing investigation.
New coil driver - Bosch 211 - 4 channel
COP units installed
Engine operating with sequential fuel and ignition
Baro sensor ready for install as an add-on
Hall effect sensors for crank and cam shaft sensors - replaces the OEM VR sensors
Operated engine on 36-1 crank trigger wheel with OEM VR sensor. Removed cam shaft VR sensor (sync issue)
Reverted back to OEM 8 tooth crank trigger wheel (no missing teeth) and cam sensor when Hall effect sensors installed
Using Dual Wheel decoder system
OEM flywheel timing marks are a PITA to use. Installed a timing mark system in the timing belt area that is easier to use.
The timing light to be used should be for a wasted spark system, or if an older model with a timing advance dial, keep the timing advance dial on the "0" mark when timing engine.
Timing engine with locked timing. Generally set to "0" degrees, but also make sure that the cranking advance is the same as the locked timing, if not the timing will be an aggregate of the locked timing value and the cranking advance. For example, if the locked timing is "0" degrees and the cranking timing advance is "15" degrees, engine timing will be "15" degrees. This affects the spark table.

Fuel and spark, the basis for going forward. Mentioned the fuel system is being a challenge. Does not maintain system pressure. Investigating but not letting this stop going forward.

Good trial yesterday, working well. Read a few posts on Priming Pulsewidth. This is where the Speeduino fires all injectors ONCE at the start when the key is turned to the ON position. The time for the injector firing is based on the value(s) in the Priming Pulsewidth table. I have been cycling the fuel system and did not realize that this was happening with each cycling. I noticed yesterday that the engine started quite well after the third cycling. The Priming Pulsewidth values are:
Priming Pulsewidth.jpg
Priming Pulsewidth.jpg (106.32 KiB) Viewed 11030 times
Believe these need to be adjusted upwards, and once the fuel system is corrected, will replace, or assist in a better engine start maybe in conjunction with the cycling of the fuel pump. Will go through the forum posts to get a sense of what values I should look at.
Have been cleaning up and making wiring permanent. The COP units are temporarily installed, will finalize placement after front fairing is on. Wiring clean-up, not a lot of space available for extras:
Wiring Clean-Up.JPG
Wiring Clean-Up.JPG (58.88 KiB) Viewed 10785 times
No auto wreckers on Vancouver Island available to search for used parts. Would like to get the connectors for the Bosch 211 coil driver. DIY-EFI in the uk has a similar coil driver with connectors, an option.

Couple of issues I've noticed the past few trials. The O2 sensor goes rich when the engine stumbles. Check plug colour and all four are different - ?.

Need to pull the O2 sensor and clean. Takes a while for it to start reacting to the exhaust.

Should have the front fairing on within the week.

Injectors that have been at the shop are on the way here. Will change the injectors when I receive.

Did a data log from engine start and let cycle at operating temp a few times. The engine vacuum was at 11 in HG, and the idle was fairly good. Map reading low at 60 kPa. The engine was in the 13 AFR range - O2 sensor OFF. Thinking I would adjust the spark table and trigger angle to determine if I can get the MAP reading lower - thoughts?

Current tune and data log attached.
(1.13 MiB) Downloaded 173 times
Question for @LAV1000 - forum thread "Simple Coil Driver" post number 56377 page #1 you mention: "Normally in speeduino they are using TPS or MAP vs RPM to make an ignition advance.
Say for 2000 RPM you need 25 degree, then you set 1 collom for 25 degree.
Doesn't matter then if TPS or MAP goes from max to min as long as it stays at 2000 rpm it is 25 degree advance".

If I interpret your example correctly, you would have the timing advance in the 2000 RPM column at 25 degrees top to bottom. This correlates with the information I have gleaned off other GW EFI conversions even though these conversions use the MS ECU.

The max timing advance for the 1200 engine starts at approximately 3000 RPM +/-, and is at 38 degrees. All timing advance from approximately 3000 RPM to red-line 7500 RPM should be 38 degrees. Here is a spark table example for an 1100 EFI install with MS ECU:
Spark Table Example.jpg
Spark Table Example.jpg (70.15 KiB) Viewed 10764 times
I agree with your post, just want to verify.
Rednaxs60 wrote: Wed Nov 01, 2023 8:52 pmThe engine vacuum was at 11 in HG, and the idle was fairly good. Map reading low at 60 kPa. The engine was in the 13 AFR range - O2 sensor OFF. Thinking I would adjust the spark table and trigger angle to determine if I can get the MAP reading lower - thoughts?
Same as always. Tune at stable target rpm for perfect fueling to reach minimum MAP. Increased timing will usually lower MAP, but don't go outside your target idle cells. Then check hard throttle response, and adjust cells directly above idle for best response - shortest time.

Of course, this may change when you ride it and throttle response from idle is under greater load, but it's good practice to use time as a performance indicator. An example of this is at warm stable target idle, snap the throttle open very quick and hold to 2000+ rpm, reading the log for the time to accel the engine from TPS moving to 2000. Adjust fuel and timing in those cells (remember, 5 steps) for quickest response.

Once you've found that, you can do the same practice adjusting Accel Enrichment. "Wax on, wax off." :lol:
Thanks for the info. Starting to put the plastics back on, front fairing done today. Have to finalize COP placement right side, running out of useable real estate with the front fairing back on. Started engine with front fairing on, no dash RPM indication. Will try tomorrow with Travel Computer installed.

The travel computer has a signal from injectors 1 and 3, and sends a tach signal to the dash. I've traced the wiring on the schematics I have - will find the applicable wires tomorrow. The OEM system appears to use the injector signal for the tach signal - no reason it cannot. Changes done to date; changed from one injector for a pair of injectors to individual injector resistors, using sequential fuel and ignition.

Have #1 injector still connected to the ECU through the numbers 1 and 3 injector circuit - this circuit is connected to the travel computer, no apparent connection to the travel computer from the spark igniters. Firing order is 1/3/2/4. Fairly certain the tach would display with the travel computer disconnected, been a while.
There is a lot more room to work on the front of the bike with the front fairing off, but need it installed. Engine starting reasonably well with sequential fuel and ignition (COP units).

Want to revert to paired injectors to determine if my dash tach will work. Checked the wiring to ensure that I changed the IDC pin placements properly. Made sure the power and signal wires were the same for each pairing. Kept sequential ignition, checked timing - hasn't moved. The injector pairing for this engine is 1/3 and 2/4, timing is 1/3/2/4. Installed 6 ohm resistors for each injector, but going back to paired injectors has a 6 ohm resistor for two injectors (OEM resistor pack uses 3 ohm resistors for a pair of injectors), should not be an issue. Changed the wiring to use injector channel 1 for injectors 1/3 (has always been connected this way), and injector channel 2 for injectors 2/4. Changed injector layout to paired. Kept the squirts at 2 and alternating.

Go for a start with paired injectors and sequential ignition, no joy. Changed squirts to "4" alternating, no joy. Went back to sequential injectors layout, engine starts and idles well. Want the dash tach to work. Noticed the dash oil pressure readout not as it was. This has nothing to do with the FI system, but needs to be investigated, been working around this pressure sensor for a bit.

Is there a relationship between sequential ignition and paired injectors that I am missing. Engine operates in Dual Mode with crank being primary. My thoughts are that I should be able to revert to paired injector layout regardless of ignition preference.

Any guidance would be appreciated. Have ben scouring the forum for guidance, lots of info, but haven't found anything that I think I can use for guidance. Have read about the "double-shot", quasi-sequential, semi-sequential fuelling profile.

As an aside, working on COP unit placement with the front fairing on - some interference issues to be taken care of. Small detail, but takes time.

Did a bench test of my baro circuit. Using MAP sensor MPX4250, have pins 1/2/3 connected as per the spec schematic. Pins 4/5/6 are not used. Don't know what to expect from the MAP sensor I am using, but will continue to investigate and learn about it. Haven't connected it to the Speeduino board just yet.

Rednaxs60 wrote: Mon Nov 06, 2023 6:30 amThe injector pairing for this engine is 1/3 and 2/4, timing is 1/3/2/4.
Injector pairing is typically same as waste-spark, firing paired cylinders at the same TDCs on the same but alternating strokes. If your firing order is 1-3-2-4, then 1-3 (1st crank rev) and 2-4 (2nd crank rev) would pair TDCs and injectors on 1/2 and 3/4. With this arrangement, double squirts per-cylinder will inject half fuel at each cylinder's TDC for even fueling and injection timing.

This can also be viewed graphically by simply stacking the firing order by crank rev, with columns indicating pairing:
1 - 3
2 - 4

Note your injector latency (dead-time) will strongly affect the performance if incorrect, but should run to get to tuning by playing with Req_fuel and VE values to compensate for any dead-time error. Once running, some initial near-idle tuning will allow the dead-time to be tested and corrected.

Also note that if your injectors are too large for the application, or fuel pressure excessive, fueling control at low-load can be sensitive in metering half-fuel doses, but should be doable if settings and corrections are accurate. ;) Catch-22; you must begin tuning to allow testing settings and corrections, in order to tune effectively. Focus on getting over that hurdle quickly. :)
@PSIG - understand your reply. Should be able to keep sequential ignition, 4 channels and 4 COP units (1/3/2/4), and operate with paired injectors - 1/3 and 2/4, but it is not doing this. Will check timing once more to see if it is off for this specific scenario. Other than this, happy with the VE/spark tables with sequential fuel and spark. Still want a dash RPM readout.
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