For discussion of Speeduino compatible boards designed / built by other members of the forum and for guidance around making such a board
By Kubs
Got this board in my 126p boxer mod. Thanks dvjcodec for supplying the ECU! It works almost fluently with few issues:

1. The battery measurement is somehow corrupted cause at 12v of supply ECU sees 18.1. Weird thing is that changing the supply voltage the error is always close to times factor of 1.5. The voltage divider is giving probably correct values.
2. There is baro sensor on the board that according to the schematics is connected via i2c - I have literally no clue how to set it up in TS hence there are only analog channels available to choose from... :]

According to point 1 I see two options: is there any prescaler to set in software? or it's time to heat up the soldering iron to replace one of the resistors in the voltage divider?
By dazq
Point 1 yes time for the soldering iron .
Point 2 i2c sensors are not supported by the firmware
I know from a long time back testing found the i2c library caused lots of blocking issues on mega2560 , I don't know if the stm32 library is any better.
By Kubs
changed he resistor in divider and voila, almost perfect readout for 12v

I asked dvjcodec for this baro sensor some time after sending the previous post and he states that this baro is working in his clients samurai with a somehow customised fw, maybe this is actually possible on STMs :)
By Kubs
found another bug but rather in the TS itself, cause board is running as intended accordingo to spec.

When I want to set Programmable output (called HC1 on board for transparency of description) i start to get the bug.

HC1 is wired to PD15. HC2 is wired to PD14 (no typo, it truly is wired this way - measured the continuity).

So when I call HC1 (PD15) actually HC2 goes on (PD14).
The same thing is going on with fuel pump for example. When I try to bind it to PC7 which is BOOST that I do not use PC6 goes on which is wired as for IDLE.
It seems that during binding pins something goes wrong between speedy and TS and pin -1 is called.
That gives at least 2 dead pins. HC1 on PD15 will be never accessible cause I'm unable to set PD16 from TS (but that would be something fresh to get 17th bit on 16th bit register PD).

Any clue where to even look at?

The .ini file is built properly and I confirmed this behaviour is not bonded only with PD, on different registers the same happens as well.
By dazq
Kubs wrote: Sun Nov 10, 2024 3:17 pmof course ;)
I would check in the code to see that the board type you have selected has pins matching what you are seeing.
There was an issue with one of his designs with the pins getting changed during development but the config in the pinlayout in the firmware not correct.
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