- Thu Nov 03, 2022 11:58 am
Hi Everyone.
My name is David, I'm 42 year old and I'm french (nobody' perfect... )
I apologize in advance for my poor English...
I'm an happy 205 GTi owner since 2007 and i have the project to use a speeduino. My car is actually running with original Bosch ecu
The main idea is to reduce fuel consumption, not to increase performance. The 1.9 N/A is enough to enjoy small road...
- No or only few minor modification of the car wiring.
- keep the possibility to return to the original system quikcly
- Stay as close as possible to the original look of the engine bay
I'm using a V 0.4.3c board with a chinese copy of the mega 2560
flywheel from peugeot 406
TDC sensor from golf 3GTi 16v (fit in place in the gearbox with an easy minor modification, hall effect no VR conditionner needed)
original injectors and coolant temp sensor
LSU 4.2 sensor and 14point7 electronic.
My name is David, I'm 42 year old and I'm french (nobody' perfect... )
I apologize in advance for my poor English...
I'm an happy 205 GTi owner since 2007 and i have the project to use a speeduino. My car is actually running with original Bosch ecu
The main idea is to reduce fuel consumption, not to increase performance. The 1.9 N/A is enough to enjoy small road...
- No or only few minor modification of the car wiring.
- keep the possibility to return to the original system quikcly
- Stay as close as possible to the original look of the engine bay
I'm using a V 0.4.3c board with a chinese copy of the mega 2560
flywheel from peugeot 406
TDC sensor from golf 3GTi 16v (fit in place in the gearbox with an easy minor modification, hall effect no VR conditionner needed)
original injectors and coolant temp sensor
LSU 4.2 sensor and 14point7 electronic.
Engine bay before modifications
engine bay 205.jpeg (198.2 KiB) Viewed 2559 times
engine bay 205.jpeg (198.2 KiB) Viewed 2559 times
3B6E148E-39FF-48F8-BD21-563B17E6E31E.jpeg (490.77 KiB) Viewed 2559 times
Last edited by David 76 on Thu Nov 03, 2022 2:24 pm, edited 4 times in total.