Help with building your Speeduino, installing it, getting it to run etc.
By David 76
Hi Everyone.
My name is David, I'm 42 year old and I'm french (nobody' perfect... :mrgreen: )
I apologize in advance for my poor English...
I'm an happy 205 GTi owner since 2007 and i have the project to use a speeduino. My car is actually running with original Bosch ecu
The main idea is to reduce fuel consumption, not to increase performance. The 1.9 N/A is enough to enjoy small road...
- No or only few minor modification of the car wiring.
- keep the possibility to return to the original system quikcly
- Stay as close as possible to the original look of the engine bay

I'm using a V 0.4.3c board with a chinese copy of the mega 2560
flywheel from peugeot 406
TDC sensor from golf 3GTi 16v (fit in place in the gearbox with an easy minor modification, hall effect no VR conditionner needed)
original injectors and coolant temp sensor
LSU 4.2 sensor and 14point7 electronic.
Engine bay before modifications
Engine bay before modifications
engine bay 205.jpeg (198.2 KiB) Viewed 2559 times
3B6E148E-39FF-48F8-BD21-563B17E6E31E.jpeg (490.77 KiB) Viewed 2559 times
Last edited by David 76 on Thu Nov 03, 2022 2:24 pm, edited 4 times in total.
By David 76
3D printed case to fit in place of the original ecu inside the glove box
speeduino.jpeg (524.29 KiB) Viewed 2555 times
speeduino box with board.jpeg
speeduino box with board.jpeg (552.61 KiB) Viewed 2555 times
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Welcome! Image That looks like a fun project! I also maximize fuel economy on all my projects, and it is fun, if it is not obsessive. :lol:
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By Spesh
Hello fellow pug owner!

Do you have anymore details on the hall sensor modifications? I'm still running a 306 VR sensor and am considering changing to hall to reduce complexity
By Chipboy
I have a Mi16 and Xsara VTS box both with 3 wire Hall, the poor old 205 with its ancient injection system will be simple to replace as will most of the electrics.
By David 76
Spesh wrote: Thu Dec 15, 2022 10:25 pm Hello fellow pug owner!

Do you have anymore details on the hall sensor modifications? I'm still running a 306 VR sensor and am considering changing to hall to reduce complexity

you have to remove the green O-ring and cut the small collar just underneath
By David 76
My 205 works well with its speeduino.
Now I want to turn on flex fuel,
I bought a sensor, put it on the car and wired it.
I welded a pull-up resistor, I mesure on the pin 43, 4,9V with unplugged sensor and 4,1V plugged sensor (10% ethanol on the fuel).
The gauge always remains at 0.

Worse still, I don't have fuel injection when the flexible fuel is activated. Even with a 100% correction on the table, unmater the ethanol value.

any idea of the problem?
By David 76
I found my stupid mistake, a bad wiring on the proto area. the pin for the flex input is the N°2 not the n°43...
Yellow wiring is the first attempt... without verifiying the pin N°.
Red wiring is the new, the flex sensor works fine now.
Like mentionned on the wiki, no pull-up resistor needed.
z9w3o7iy.png (1.28 MiB) Viewed 890 times

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