Help with building your Speeduino, installing it, getting it to run etc.
By dener0987
Hello everybody

I'm building a new car project using speeduino. But it's not marking rpm at start, there are a lot of sync losses. Using an oscilloscope I was able to measure the sensor signal that is inductive and the signal that comes out of my vr converter. In the image below, in yellow is the signal of the inductive sensor and in blue the output of the converter. If anyone knows if the sign below is correct to work with speeduino, or maybe it could be a problem in the manufacture of my wheel.


ensure you have resistor type spark plugs
I know little about VR as I use HE, but try reversing the wires at sensor, and using the other detection edge. So four different combinations there.
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By jonbill
can you clarify what 'not marking RPM at start' means? does it start? do you see no RPM on rev counter? in TunerStudio?
always good to share your tune and a log. (and a tooth log in this case)
By dener0987
LPG2CV wrote: Sun May 01, 2022 5:19 pm ensure you have resistor type spark plugs
I know little about VR as I use HE, but try reversing the wires at sensor, and using the other detection edge. So four different combinations there.
I've tried inverting the wiring, but the sensor doesn't work. I believe it is connected correctly because it is generating a signal.

By dener0987
jonbill wrote: Sun May 01, 2022 5:23 pm can you clarify what 'not marking RPM at start' means? does it start? do you see no RPM on rev counter? in TunerStudio?
always good to share your tune and a log. (and a tooth log in this case)
Okay, let me explain better. The car is not running, the image I posted is of the signal generated when the car is cranking.
In tunerstudio rev counter, no rpm is shown. But sync losses go up quickly. Engine configuration is a 4 cylinder, Injector layout Paired and Wasted COP.
I'm not sure if this is a problem with my wheel. Because by analyzing the oscilloscope it is possible to see that the spacing between the teeth is not constant throughout the motor turn. Could this be a problem?
I think I can't use the tooth logger in my tunerstudio because it's not registered.

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By jonbill
The time between teeth is never even, because it speeds up and slows down with compression vs other strokes.
it's probably something else. if you share your tune file and the log of cranking we can make some educated guesses.
a test you may like to try to see if it improves the pattern.

Ensure the battery is charged (disconnect charging device before cranking, as speedy does not like it). Remove the spark plugs and crank, and see if that improves the pattern.

As already mentioned, post a tune and log. :)
By dener0987
Okay, I'll implement the tips you gave me in the next few days. And see if I can solve my problem, if not I will provide the tune and a log for you.

Thanks a lot for the help.
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The signals look good to me. The polarity appears correct (assuming correct probe connections), and the wavy shape of the VR signal is due to engine compression cycles. The good news is that it is seeing something for a signal, because it has sync losses. :lol: Noise does not appeear to be an issue, and sync losses are likely due to Speeduino not detecting the missing teeth properly, as @LPG2CV indicated. Commonly that could be an incorrect board setting in Settings > Engine Constants > Board Layout, or your Trigger Edge setting in Settings > Trigger Setup > Trigger edge, for examples.

For missing-tooth wheels, we want to see the trailing edge of the teeth, which is a falling sensor voltage, so it can see the gap properly. By that 'scope image, if using a non-inverting signal conditioner (DSC, LM234/358, etc) your Trigger Edge should be Falling, or if using an inverting conditioner (MAX types, LM1815, etc) where it should be set to Rising.

If no joy, what I would need to know next is:
  • What board are you using?
  • What signal conditioner are you using?
  • Post a cranking log and the tune used to get it.
By dener0987
Hello guys, I found out that the problem was with my buck converter (lm2596) that I was using to power the speeduino board, due to its characteristics generating ripple in the output. I managed to solve by putting a linear regulator. As for the Trigger edge configuration for inverter conditioners (Max, Lm1815) shouldn't the edge be Falling?

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