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By chaoschris
>>To make launch control work you have to switch resistors R20 and R29.
>>This way the ECU is getting a low signal, otherwise the voltage drops only to about 4.6V.

You are absolutely right. now fixed in schematics and BOM

>>To make boost control work you have to change the output pin from 13 to 5.
>>I think pin 13 was used in an old hardware version, right?

You are talking about the BlitzBox pin settings in the speeduino firmware (init.cpp in actual firmware)?
"pinBoost = 13; //Boost control" seems to be wrong, this should be "pinBoost = 5; //Boost control"
I will create a pull request in GitHub soon, so this will be fixed in next official firmware version.
Until then there will be a corrected firmware 2024.1 in the Blitzbox GitHub...

>>When connecting my computer via USB, the ECU was always doing a bunch of resets.
>>After removing C52 this behaviour was gone.
>>Is there a specific reason for this capacitor?

This capacitor is there to reset the MCU via serial connection, for example is you want to access the bootloader from the software side.
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chaoschris wrote: Thu Jul 25, 2024 3:30 pmIf you don't use the boost pin there should be no need to change the firmware.
I didn't research this, but does this affect the optional ignition coil driver output? How is the IGN coil driver output used versus IGN1?
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By chaoschris
PSIG wrote: Thu Jul 25, 2024 5:24 pm
chaoschris wrote: Thu Jul 25, 2024 3:30 pmIf you don't use the boost pin there should be no need to change the firmware.
I didn't research this, but does this affect the optional ignition coil driver output? How is the IGN coil driver output used versus IGN1?
IGN is not affected as all signals have their own output on the MCU. In this case (IGN4) comes from PA0 via TC4424 to SJ1. Boost has its own output PE3 and goes through an AO3400A to SJ1. There you have to decide with a solder brigde which one to use.
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Ah, OK. Perhaps I was mistaken, that I thought there was a single IGBT power coil driver (FGB30-something?) one TC channel was optionally driving. :(
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By chaoschris
Yes, there was one optional IGBT in the old versions until rev 0.1.2. From 0.1.3 onwards you need to use an external module If you cannot avoid a dumb coil.
By Hich
Hi, after some time I have given it another try, but still I am stuck with the strange behavior during cranking.
I believe there is some issue with the trigger setup, so I would appreciate if someone could help me with the setup.
The engine has 1 VR pickup with one signal for each Crankshaft revolution. There is no CAM sensor. VR- is connected to GND and VR+ to the pickup coil. In Tunerstudio I have selected "Basic Distributor" as Decoder.
During cranking Tunerstudio shows about 2000 rpm which looks much to high. When I stop cranking the engine stops immediately but RPM as shown in Tunerstudio only very slowly goes down to 0. This takes about 15 secs. During this time fuel is definitely injected and floods the intake (I tested that).
FYI This is a very simple 200ccm 4-stroke engine.
I think the issue is related to the trigger setup as the ECU seems to have a wrong input on RPM. What would be the proper way of setting this up? Any help is greatly appreciated. :)
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First - this is a trigger issue, not known to be specific to BlitzBox, and should be copied to a new thread titled for the issue. Please start your new thread for moderators to move these posts.

@Hich - until it's moved, I would ask how the pickup is wired. Typically VR sensors have two connections, (+) and (-). These should be connected to VR+ and VR-, in correct polarity. Where do the sensor outputs connect?
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By chaoschris
chaoschris wrote: Thu Jul 25, 2024 3:30 pm corrected firmware 202402.1 is now available in GitHub: ... e/202402.1
If you don't use the boost pin there should be no need to change the firmware.

@ME124: Can you please check this firmware?
Issue now corrected in official firmware tree. Next published speeduino firmware will have a corrected boost pin definition: ... 98c2b45a35

Until then we provide a corrected version of the firmware in the Blitzbox GitHub: ... e/202402.1
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