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By purplelightning
Hich wrote: Sun May 12, 2024 3:42 pm Here the spark is triggered when the signal goes high and the level is around 1V only.
If it's any help, normally the CDI input (and consequently crank VR sensor output) is about <50v.
By Hich
Hi, thanks for all the good input.
After taking a little break I returned to my project and meanwhile I am a bit further with a repurposed active Golf 3 coil which seems to work ok.
However, strangely when the engine stops the ECU still sends ignition and injection signals at increasing speed. See attached video. I have tried with a 4.7k resistor across the VR lines and also enabled aggressive filtering in TunerStudio.
VR- is connected to ground, VR+ is connected to the pickup coil.
I have no CAM sensor, so nothing is connected there. Do I need to ground HALL_IN? or bridge SJ5? Perhaps the noise is picked via HALL_IN?

Another question. As I have no CAM sensor I thought that 2 squirts per cycle would be best. However, when I select 2 required fuel (ms) is set to zero and I can't change this to anything non-zero.
Any help is greatly appreciated :)
By Hich
Meanwhile I have tried with bridged JS5 and 4.7k between VR+ and VR-(=GND) but the mysterious signals after stopping the engine are still there….
Any idea?
Thanks Karsten
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By jonbill
can you share a data log, tooth log (and tune) from when this problem happens?
By Hich
please see attached msq and mlg. I am not sure how to generate a tooth-log though.
FYI, the engine 1 cyl, 4 stroke, 200cc, no cam sensor, a VR pickup with one impulse per crank revolution.
Let me know if you need further info.
Thanks Karsten

updated... now with tooth log.
(4.34 KiB) Downloaded 39 times
(89.38 KiB) Downloaded 47 times
(27.79 KiB) Downloaded 53 times
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Hich wrote: Sat Jun 15, 2024 8:34 am… but the mysterious signals after stopping the engine are still there….
Karsten - I don't see a video at that link. Do you mean similar the video below? This is normal as the firing cycles of the ignition outputs (attached or not) are completed. If IDI coils were attached, they would complete dwell and fire. AFAIK, the only way to prevent firing of unfinished cycles is to kill power to the ECM.

Note any coils already dwelling would still fire, although your CDI does not dwell in the typical IDI fashion, as more of a short magneto pulse. Therefore, unless your magneto continued to supply coil pulses, the ECM would trigger, but no spark would occur.

Prototype Signal Conditioner Low Speed Demonstration
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By jonbill
In the log, when the rpm is zero, the injection pw is zero too - so no don't think there can be injection happening.
Is RPM = 0 your definition of 'engine stopped' or something else maybe?
By Hich
Hmm, at least I hear a clicking sound at the injector. Not sure if this happens with 0 pw.
How can I configure ‚engine Stopped‘. At least I did not define anything consciously;)

Thanks Karsten
By ME124
After using this ECU for a while now, I discovered some things.

To make launch control work you have to switch resistors R20 and R29.
This way the ECU is getting a low signal, otherwise the voltage drops only to about 4.6V.

To make boost control work you have to change the output pin from 13 to 5.
I think pin 13 was used in an old hardware version, right?

When connecting my computer via USB, the ECU was always doing a bunch of resets.
After removing C52 this behaviour was gone.
Is there a specific reason for this capacitor?
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