For discussion of Speeduino compatible boards designed / built by other members of the forum and for guidance around making such a board
By huramentzefix
Very interesting board!
50% of the PBC BOM parts are extended parts. 40$ in fees for extended parts.
Is there another BOX list?
By Pezi
I have a Blitzbox in front of me and I have a few questions about it.
Which pins is the Secondary Serial IO interface on? Is it on the 14-Pin header or on the 6-Pin header?

The assignment of the inputs and outputs in Tunerstudio is also not entirely clear to me.
I don't understand which number in TS applies to the Blitzbox.
For example, I want to connect an oil pressure transmitter to the "MAF" pin.
I also want to use the "FAN" output for a display LED and the "HALL" as a VSS.

I knew this straight away with the normal Speeduino, but here I'm confused.

Thanks for your help.

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By chaoschris
Hello pezi,

>> Which pins is the Secondary Serial IO interface on? Is it on the 14-Pin header or on the 6-Pin header?
most of the pins should be explained on the wikipage on the GitHub: ... _side.html

>>I don't understand which number in TS applies to the Blitzbox.
The arduino pin assignments are visible in the speeduino firmware. Go to the official firmware into init.cpp , the BlitzboxBL49sp is defined as "case42" and the pin definitions should start around line 2059:

case 42:
//Pin mappings for all BlitzboxBL49sp variants
pinInjector1 = 6; //Output pin injector 1
pinInjector2 = 7; //Output pin injector 2
pinInjector3 = 8; //Output pin injector 3
pinInjector4 = 9; //Output pin injector 4
pinCoil1 = 24; //Pin for coil 1
pinCoil2 = 25; //Pin for coil 2
pinCoil3 = 23; //Pin for coil 3
pinCoil4 = 22; //Pin for coil 4
pinTrigger = 19; //The CRANK Sensor pin
pinTrigger2 = 18; //The Cam Sensor pin
pinFlex = 20; // Flex sensor PLACEHOLDER value for now
pinTPS = A0; //TPS input pin
pinSpareTemp1 = A1; //LMM sensor pin
pinO2 = A2; //O2 Sensor pin
pinIAT = A3; //IAT sensor pin
pinCLT = A4; //CLT sensor pin
pinMAP = A7; //internal MAP sensor
pinBat = A6; //Battery reference voltage pin
pinBaro = A5; //external MAP/Baro sensor pin
pinO2_2 = A9; //O2 sensor pin (second sensor) PLACEHOLDER value for now
pinLaunch = 2; //Can be overwritten below
pinTachOut = 10; //Tacho output pin
pinIdle1 = 11; //Single wire idle control
pinIdle2 = 14; //2 wire idle control PLACEHOLDER value for now
pinFuelPump = 3; //Fuel pump output
pinVVT_1 = 15; //Default VVT output PLACEHOLDER value for now
pinBoost = 5; //Boost control
pinSpareLOut1 = 49; //enable Wideband Lambda Heater
pinSpareLOut2 = 16; //low current output spare2 PLACEHOLDER value for now
pinSpareLOut3 = 17; //low current output spare3 PLACEHOLDER value for now
pinSpareLOut4 = 21; //low current output spare4 PLACEHOLDER value for now
pinFan = 12; //Pin for the fan output
pinResetControl = 46; //Reset control output PLACEHOLDER value for now

>> For example, I want to connect an oil pressure transmitter to the "MAF" pin.
"MassAirFlow" means "LuftMassenMesser" in german, so the abbreviation LMM is a bit unusual in international use...;-)
This is pinSpareTemp1 = A1; //LMM sensor pin

>> I also want to use the "FAN" output for a display LED and the "HALL" as a VSS.
pinFan = 12; //Pin for the fan output
pinTrigger2 = 18; //The Cam Sensor pin

Be careful if you want to use the boost pin output, there was an error in the pin settings. Corrected firmware is available on ... e/202402.1
until a new official firmware will be released.

Best regards,
By Pezi
Okay.... Thanks for the answer. So that means the Secondary Serial IO interface is on the 14-pin header pin 11 and pin 12?
Good to know.
By 21satoshi
Is this projekt still up to date?
Anywhere in Europ / Germany Hardware for sale? PCB or assambled?
By huramentzefix
yes it is still up to date.
And I will have at some point assembled boards, when this is going to be, I don't know.
I need to use all my v0.4.3c boards first...
But drop me a message with your number and I will let you know when I am there
By 21satoshi
On GitHub I can not find any project files like for KiCAD.
Is that not an open source project?
Is it possible to get at least the schematics files?
I would like to branch to a very tiny ECU for a one cylinder application.
Did you look here. you can get a pdf of the schematic
By 21satoshi
Well... It would save a lot of time, if one can get the Projectfile or at least the schematics as KiCAD file.
I would have to write everything manually in KiCAD.
By bewa0001
Hello my Name is Bernd,
my Question: is there a easy way to use a Narrowband O2 sensor with the blitzbox?
Best regards
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