For discussion of Speeduino compatible boards designed / built by other members of the forum and for guidance around making such a board
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By Patexi
Rapha wrote: Thu Nov 14, 2024 2:59 am hi all,
i built a 2.2 card for a prepared m20b25 that i want to optimize and unfortunately even by disconnecting the tps, the id and the maf, at first before modifying to see if it works, the card does not give any sign of life, what would be the thing to do first before considering that i made a bad assembly? thanks in advance to those who will help me
Hello dude!
I have myself recently build couple of these V2 boards and I have only tested them in bench with power supply to test that every input works. So far so good, but with the information you provided I would go through these things:

1. Plug your mega into computer without the speeduino board and use the speedyloader to upload the latest speeduino firmware to the mega.
2. Open up tunerstudio, create new project, use the detect button for tunerstudio to search for your still plugged in mega. If success, it should detect the just downloaded firmware. Keep going and setup the project. When plugged and unplugged the mega should connect to tunerstudio in 3s and the gauges come online and you can do setup there.
3. Once connection with tunerstudio is accomplished, unplug the mega from the usb and connect it to the speeduino board. Now when you connect the USB back to mega and it connects to tunerstudio you should see the MAP reading go to 99-101 kpa IF you have calibrated the correct map sensor in. (If not goto Tools > calibrate pressure sensors and choose either mpx4250A or mpxh6400a or something else depending what sensor you have in your board.
4. If you got this far, now is time to plug your ecu to the engine harness and to your laptop with tunerstudio open. If connection to tunerstudio is accomplished, you should see at least correct map reading and battery voltage. CLT should also show up correct if calibrated correct in tunerstudio.
5. Goto Spark > spark settings and enable fixed timing to 0 degtrees. Also I think the setting here should be "Single channel" and "Going low".
6. Goto trigger setup and check you have 60-2 trigger and the trigger angle should be around 272 deg. (You may have to dial this with timing light)
7. Crank the car, you should see rpm go to around 200rpm. Then verify your base timing is correct with timing light. (There should be marks on top side of the crankshaft pulley and corresponding line on the lower timing cover)

Verify these and please provide more information, but I would call this is the base line for the engine to start. Also after this you should verify that your injcetors are spraying fuel and little bit of tunerstudio dialing and car should start or even give a kick or two to give some signs of wanting to start.
By Rapha
hi patexi

thanks for your answer
i have done all the operations as you describe even though i had already done it and the card still does not seem to be powered
i have soldered F2, i soldered the locations for the m52 hall sensor that i will use, disconnected the maf, the tps and the cid
the only thing that could 'maybe' be my problem, i have not yet soldered the map sensor; i do not know if this causes the card to not work?
i have it but it took a while to arrive and as i didn't see any signs of life from the board...
my car works perfectly with the original motronic management

any idea what to check? before i start another card?
photo of my motor for which this speeduino is intended, i hope :P
IMG_20210907_194844265.jpg (170.48 KiB) Viewed 2856 times
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By Patexi
Rapha wrote: Wed Nov 20, 2024 2:24 am hi patexi

thanks for your answer
i have done all the operations as you describe even though i had already done it and the card still does not seem to be powered
i have soldered F2, i soldered the locations for the m52 hall sensor that i will use, disconnected the maf, the tps and the cid
the only thing that could 'maybe' be my problem, i have not yet soldered the map sensor; i do not know if this causes the card to not work?
i have it but it took a while to arrive and as i didn't see any signs of life from the board...
my car works perfectly with the original motronic management

any idea what to check? before i start another card?
photo of my motor for which this speeduino is intended, i hope :P
Im jealous about your hartge valve cover, that's DRIP!

Just to get in the same page, do you have connection to your mega in tunerstudio? And Do you have connection when you plug it in to the speeduino board? Do you have RPM signal in tunerstudio when cranking?

What do you mean with "card seems not to be powered"? Does it read the input signals and can you connect to tunerstudio when ecu plugged in to car? Is the car just not firing?

The missing map sensor wont affect the cards ability to power on but the car almost 100% wont start without map reading. Also you said you have disconnected the tps. If the tps signal goes above ~80% when disconnected the flood clear mode will activate and disable injectors, this threshold is tuneable in tunerstudio but normally is about 80% TPS. The CID you should leave disconnected because its used for cam signal. I think the MAF is only used for intake temperature reading because it has built in intake air temp sensor. You should plug it also back because intake air affects pulsewidth, about +-20% if reading is off very far. No corrections is about 37 degrees celcius.

Also post your tune and pictures of you borad topside and bottom, I could take a look if I find something. Also a video wont hurt but I think you cant post videos in here.
By Rapha
the cover is nice but underneath too :D
IMG_20210821_233551011.jpg (130.54 KiB) Viewed 2797 times

otherwise I have the connection between the mega and tuner studio whether it is connected to the speeduino or not
I have no feedback from the battery voltage on tunerstudio, I have not tried to start on the other hand I do not see any LED light up on the speeduino when I turn on the ignition
after configuring the water sensor, I have the temperature feedback
maybe I should just try to start it?
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By Patexi
Rapha wrote: Thu Nov 21, 2024 5:20 am the cover is nice but underneath too :D

otherwise I have the connection between the mega and tuner studio whether it is connected to the speeduino or not
I have no feedback from the battery voltage on tunerstudio, I have not tried to start on the other hand I do not see any LED light up on the speeduino when I turn on the ignition
after configuring the water sensor, I have the temperature feedback
maybe I should just try to start it?
The LEDs on the board will ounly light up when cranking or engine running because they indicate ignition and injectors channels firing. For battery voltage indication in tunerstudio, turn on ignition and you should see it. If not make sure you have soldered Q14 and D9 in correct orientations.
I encourage you to disconnect the injectors power and remove spark plugs and try to crank the engine with speeduino to confirm rpm signal on go on with your speeduino install and tuning
By dazq
Rapha wrote: Thu Nov 21, 2024 5:20 am the cover is nice but underneath too :D

otherwise I have the connection between the mega and tuner studio whether it is connected to the speeduino or not
I have no feedback from the battery voltage on tunerstudio, I have not tried to start on the other hand I do not see any LED light up on the speeduino when I turn on the ignition
after configuring the water sensor, I have the temperature feedback
maybe I should just try to start it?
Check you have the correct board type selected before you go ant further as this causes a lot of the symptoms you describe.

Try the outputs using the hardware test page.
But be sure to disconnect/stop your fuel pump so you don't flood the engine.
By Rapha
thank you all for your advice and your involvement but unfortunately I took the time to test it well and the card still doesn't work,

here are the pictures of the card
IMG_20241205_014409.jpg (252.13 KiB) Viewed 2422 times
IMG_20241205_014423.jpg (189.58 KiB) Viewed 2422 times

i don't really know what to do except start a new one?
i have 4 pcbs left as well as the majority of the components in several copies, minimum quantity per order ...

:arrow: if someone is interested in recovering this material as well as the pcbs by providing me in exchange a single functional card, let me know, thank you
By dazq
Rapha wrote: Thu Dec 05, 2024 1:41 am thank you all for your advice and your involvement but unfortunately I took the time to test it well and the card still doesn't work,

here are the pictures of the card


i don't really know what to do except start a new one?
i have 4 pcbs left as well as the majority of the components in several copies, minimum quantity per order ...

:arrow: if someone is interested in recovering this material as well as the pcbs by providing me in exchange a single functional card, let me know, thank you
Please don't be offended , but starting again is not a good idea until you know why this one has failed.
If you dont find the issue the chances are very high that it will occur again!
I must say that looking at the photos you need to improve your soldering technique! There are many poorly made joints with many looking like they have not been formed at all! This will be the root of your issues without doubt.
As I say I mean no offence , I simply don't want to see you repeat your problems . Even a poor assembly can be saved .
By Rapha
I am not offended at all and it seems that you are right, looking more closely at the soldering of q14 as mentioned above, it is not correctly soldered and several others also, I will redo them and try to make this card work, I will keep you informed of the rest, thank you for the advice ;)
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