- Wed Jun 07, 2023 9:45 pm
This is my speed based on pazi88 great work!!
I have tested with original VR sensors and VR Conditioner but doens't look very reliable on CAM tooth (only 1), i am pretty sure the problem was basic circuit used on conditioner board, tested with some resistors and seems cleaned signal.. but.. i have swap engine (M43B16 to M43B19TU) that uses hall sensors, now i am using stock ecu with stock VR sensors.
i have a e36 from 1999 that uses BMS43 ecu, as i know, it is some "inventionª between siemens and bosch. it has sequential injection, traction control (via CAN), 3 wire icv. Using pazi88 board i have to cut wire between pins 85 and 86, they are used for can communication with abs, AC circuit was modified too, arduino firmware controls AC behavior, maybe i will use VVT circuit to control purge/canister valve
The green board have IC 4050 (hex buffer) that i am using for input signals (VSS, AC signal, maps switch), it powered with 5v and input signals can be up to 15v that output will be 5v (because Vcc is 5v).
On first test, i notice that abs checks for ecu ªpresenceª and disable traction control if it not found, i will sniffer that communication to try fool abs to not disable TC
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