For discussion of Speeduino compatible boards designed / built by other members of the forum and for guidance around making such a board
By apollard
NickZ wrote: Tue Nov 07, 2023 1:43 am
pazi88 wrote: Thu Nov 02, 2023 10:21 am
NickZ wrote: Thu Nov 02, 2023 12:20 am Mega2560 are not all the same, i've had good performing boards and bad performing boards, I have definitely had mega2560 boards that couldn't do the 60-2 trigger at high rpm
You sure? The race condition problem in older FW was totally random and it was sometimes almost unnoticeable and in some cases it caused severe running problems.
I referring to the quality of the mega chip on some of the cheap boards, I have had some that have underperformed, not the firmware.

Im not saying every mega2560 is going to have a problem, but the quality of board DOES make a difference.
I would agree, have had random issues with the cheap MEGA boards. Some seem fine, some glitchy. But for anohter$20 or so, I can get a genuine Arduino model. Never had an issue with them. Pretty inexpensive upgrade for reliability IMO.
By Dzeerve
To pazi88, yes, i am using 202305fw. The problem was still there with oldest firmware, so not a problem with fw.

To NickZ, i thought about that my mega clone board might be bad, so i just ordered pazi’s stm32 board. Right now i am running both inj and ign in full sequential. But anyways, problem still occurs with stm32 board, so not a problem there.

Still looking for some ideas, as i have been trying to fight this problem for almost 2 years now.
By Kraemer
hi pazi88 small question for a blank stm32 card which base tune should we take for? if we never had a speeduino in the first place.
By M5222
Hi again Pazi!

we can setup antilag with this project ? if the answers is yes, since wich pcb version??
By ArizonaZ
To Pazi or anyone else that can answer, is the use of VAG(R8) coils limited to the pre 3.0 boards?

I know that alongside removing and jumpering the IGTBs the resistors need to be changed to 2 watt variants but on the 3.0 boards the 0805 resistors are too small and are limited to 1/8W.

Would those who are looking for upgraded coils be better off with something like B58 coil?
By assane
Hello, do the controllers work with automatic transmission controllers? I mean the original BMW gearbox controller.
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By Raku
assane wrote: Fri Jan 12, 2024 1:20 pm Hello, do the controllers work with automatic transmission controllers? I mean the original BMW gearbox controller.
m52 tcu need some data from can bus. maybe with stm32 processor board and custom can data it might be possible.
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By pazi88
Raku wrote: Sat Jan 13, 2024 1:41 pm
assane wrote: Fri Jan 12, 2024 1:20 pm Hello, do the controllers work with automatic transmission controllers? I mean the original BMW gearbox controller.
m52 tcu need some data from can bus. maybe with stm32 processor board and custom can data it might be possible.
True. As far as I know, the can protocol is can11h, same as ms42/43 etc. use. So controlling it might be possible with the STM32 board: and enabling the BMW cluster broadcast. Also the ms42/43 has the bluepill doing the CAN through serial3, so that's possibility too: ... Cm54%20PnP
By etdesrochers

I have a problem with my AFR sensor not saving the calibration. I am using a Bosch LSU 4.9 with a TinyWB on a rev 3.0B board along with Arduino Mega original board. The board works great and the car runs with the basetune. I am running the 6cyl firmware modified 202305 from Pazi's github. And Tunerstudio MS.
I can calibrate any sensor and it saves the calibration through a power cycle but it doesn't save it for the WB for some reason. When I calibrate it engine off, it shows 20 AFR (5V coming from the signal pin on the TinyWB I verified), then I start the car and it behaves normally and I can tune the VE map at idle with it to 14.7. As soon as I turn the power off completely to the ECU the calibration resets and it shows 25.5 AFR once I power the ECU again. This happens regardless if I start the engine or not and just shows 25.5.

Anyone might know what the issue is? Seems to me it could be firmware related, but I also see Tunerstudio Ultra has a function to "unlock" calibrations, is it stupid as I just need TS Ultra version?

Thank you
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