- Mon Jan 14, 2019 1:45 pm
Update 20.5.2021: Rev 2.2 available:https://github.com/pazi88/Speeduino-M5x ... /m52%20PnP
Rev 2.2 PCBs at eBay: https://www.ebay.com/itm/184932328704
Operating instructions for assembled unit: https://github.com/pazi88/Speeduino-M5x ... tions.docx
Assembly instructions available: https://github.com/pazi88/Speeduino-M5x ... tions.docx

There are currently 5 revisions of the M52 PnP Speeduino PCB:
- 1.0: Initial release
- 1.1: Lot of small fixes and adjustments
- 1.2: Additional features like, optional baro sensor, cam sensor input for Hall sensor, CEL light, spare relay outputs
- 1.3: diode for BT module that removes the need to unplug BT module to be able to use USB, A/C circuit with idle up input to mega (this is still the untested one), second external connector that has two more relay output, +5v, GND and serial 3 routed to it.
- 2.0: support for 6-cyl sequential, header for reset control and revised ignition traces.
All the files related to these (BOM, Gerbers etc.) can be found from my Github: https://github.com/pazi88/Speeduino-M5x ... /m52%20PnP
To build one of these m52 PnP speeduinos, you need have the PCB, order components based on BOM and have ms41 ecu to build the speeduino into it because this PCB replaces original one in the ECU case. Instead of to220 insulation pads, you can also try to find slicone adhesive sheets and apply that to the case like this:
This m52 PnP speeduino is pin compatible with the official v0.4 boards, so no special pin mapping needed. There is also m52 Base-tune available here: https://github.com/pazi88/Speeduino-M5x ... /m52%20PnP
In rev1.2 PCB there is also few additions compared to the regular v0.4 pin mapping.
- optional baro sensor is connected to A5
- CEL light is connected to D37
- Spare relay output at external connector is connected to D35, D33 and D31
In rev1.2 and later there is also optional cam input because closed loop VVT control may be thing in some day. This is something that doesn't work directly in M52. You would need to use for example m52tu/m54 intake cam sensor. Or any generic hall sensor. For that there is JP1 jumper that allows the hall sensor to be powered from 12v or 5v. If you for example put this to 12v and replace stock m52 cam sensor with m52tu/m54 intake cam sensor, it will work great. BUT DO NOT USE THAT JUMPER WITH STOCK M52 INTAKE CAM SENSOR. It will fry the sensor or something else.
Other links you might find useful:
- My Speeduino related pics: https://pazi88.kuvat.fi/kuvat/Projektik ... speeduino/
- Rev1.2 project at EasyEDA: https://easyeda.com/pazi88/speeduino-v0 ... m52-rev1-2
- Rev1.1 project at EasyEDA: https://easyeda.com/pazi88/speeduino-v0 ... cb-for-m52
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New to this forum, but here's my current contribution to this project. Speeduino v0.4.3 compatible PCB for BMW m52 engines that replaces the original PCB inside the ms41 ecu: https://easyeda.com/pazi88/speeduino-v0 ... cb-for-m52

That's my first bigger PCB design that I have done so feel free to give some feedback, so that I can make some enhancements, before I get those done.
But I also like to get answer if this problem with fuel pump output is solved: https://youtu.be/lfDr_X-hVvE?t=231
I did run into that problem with my real speeduino v0.4.3 board that the fuel pump stays on when laptop is connected to speeduino. Without laptop the output works correctly. If the issue can be fixed in schematic, I would like to do that for my PCB.
Rev 2.2 PCBs at eBay: https://www.ebay.com/itm/184932328704
Operating instructions for assembled unit: https://github.com/pazi88/Speeduino-M5x ... tions.docx
Assembly instructions available: https://github.com/pazi88/Speeduino-M5x ... tions.docx

There are currently 5 revisions of the M52 PnP Speeduino PCB:
- 1.0: Initial release
- 1.1: Lot of small fixes and adjustments
- 1.2: Additional features like, optional baro sensor, cam sensor input for Hall sensor, CEL light, spare relay outputs
- 1.3: diode for BT module that removes the need to unplug BT module to be able to use USB, A/C circuit with idle up input to mega (this is still the untested one), second external connector that has two more relay output, +5v, GND and serial 3 routed to it.
- 2.0: support for 6-cyl sequential, header for reset control and revised ignition traces.
All the files related to these (BOM, Gerbers etc.) can be found from my Github: https://github.com/pazi88/Speeduino-M5x ... /m52%20PnP
To build one of these m52 PnP speeduinos, you need have the PCB, order components based on BOM and have ms41 ecu to build the speeduino into it because this PCB replaces original one in the ECU case. Instead of to220 insulation pads, you can also try to find slicone adhesive sheets and apply that to the case like this:

This m52 PnP speeduino is pin compatible with the official v0.4 boards, so no special pin mapping needed. There is also m52 Base-tune available here: https://github.com/pazi88/Speeduino-M5x ... /m52%20PnP
In rev1.2 PCB there is also few additions compared to the regular v0.4 pin mapping.
- optional baro sensor is connected to A5
- CEL light is connected to D37
- Spare relay output at external connector is connected to D35, D33 and D31
In rev1.2 and later there is also optional cam input because closed loop VVT control may be thing in some day. This is something that doesn't work directly in M52. You would need to use for example m52tu/m54 intake cam sensor. Or any generic hall sensor. For that there is JP1 jumper that allows the hall sensor to be powered from 12v or 5v. If you for example put this to 12v and replace stock m52 cam sensor with m52tu/m54 intake cam sensor, it will work great. BUT DO NOT USE THAT JUMPER WITH STOCK M52 INTAKE CAM SENSOR. It will fry the sensor or something else.
Other links you might find useful:
- My Speeduino related pics: https://pazi88.kuvat.fi/kuvat/Projektik ... speeduino/
- Rev1.2 project at EasyEDA: https://easyeda.com/pazi88/speeduino-v0 ... m52-rev1-2
- Rev1.1 project at EasyEDA: https://easyeda.com/pazi88/speeduino-v0 ... cb-for-m52
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New to this forum, but here's my current contribution to this project. Speeduino v0.4.3 compatible PCB for BMW m52 engines that replaces the original PCB inside the ms41 ecu: https://easyeda.com/pazi88/speeduino-v0 ... cb-for-m52

That's my first bigger PCB design that I have done so feel free to give some feedback, so that I can make some enhancements, before I get those done.
But I also like to get answer if this problem with fuel pump output is solved: https://youtu.be/lfDr_X-hVvE?t=231
I did run into that problem with my real speeduino v0.4.3 board that the fuel pump stays on when laptop is connected to speeduino. Without laptop the output works correctly. If the issue can be fixed in schematic, I would like to do that for my PCB.
Last edited by pazi88 on Mon Aug 02, 2021 7:50 am, edited 20 times in total.