For discussion of Speeduino compatible boards designed / built by other members of the forum and for guidance around making such a board
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By gtrmonte
NickZ wrote: Sun Sep 08, 2019 3:19 am No problem, Just doing the update right now to the latest september firmware.
I have put in for PR for my pin map but seems to be ignored. :cry:
Hey Nick. You're missing the Speeduino.ini in the references folder for the new firmware on your GitHub
By Falcao
Hi NickZ, awesome work !

Is your CAN working ? I don't recall if the firmware handles it yet, specially with Teensy board's.
By NickZ
no CAN yet that i know of Dazq is working on CAN stuff. Its on the board for when it becomes available.
By Drunken_M
Hi NickZ, i am interested in buying your latest ecu board. Can you send me a PM with price, and how to purchase? Really like your work :D
By SammyPati
hi Nick,
I'm interested in your board, can you ping me with the details , price etc
Also, I've read through most of this post dating back to April 2018, but I'm getting bit confused with some of the capabilities.
I have a V6 quad cam engine. From what I've gathered, your board can do what I'm after but I just want to make sure ...

Can it do .... COP , Sequential Injection, Variable timing , CAN
thanks Sam
By NickZ
SammyPati wrote: Tue Sep 24, 2019 12:50 pm hi Nick,
I'm interested in your board, can you ping me with the details , price etc
Also, I've read through most of this post dating back to April 2018, but I'm getting bit confused with some of the capabilities.
I have a V6 quad cam engine. From what I've gathered, your board can do what I'm after but I just want to make sure ...

Can it do .... COP , Sequential Injection, Variable timing , CAN
thanks Sam
Hi, its capable of doing what the current firmware is able to do, i just make Hardware.
This was made hoping that the firmware would become capable someday being able to run a v8 sequentially etc.
current firmware as i understand will only run a 4 cylinder sequentially (code change will allow 9 channels, so 6 sequential injectors and 3 wasted spark or 3 paired injectors and 6 sequential coils).
yes it will run a 6 or 8 cylinder but in paired/batched injection and wasted spark.
Yes it can run COPas wasted spark.
I think Variable cam timing can be done on current firmware .
CAN is built into a teensy and i have the hardware on the board for it but firmware doesn't support it yet.

Current version of this board.
8 Injector channels.
8 Ignition channels/ Switchable 5-12 volt output.
4 Low current outputs ULN2803 (paired for 1A) fuel pump, Thermo fan, 2 X Spare.
2 Medium current outputs.
Tacho Output.
Map, TPS, Coolant and Air temp, O2 and 2 spare analog inputs.
Internal Map or Baro sensor onboard.
1 Digital configurable input.
Stepper idle control (if not used i have modules for 3 more medium current outputs lowside, 2x high side 5/12v and 1 digital input, 3 digital inputs).

Power supply uses a Buck then linear voltage regulators
all Sensor inputs are 5V tolerant.
CAN communication
Bluetooth/Serial header (Serial 2, Same as serial 3 on mega)
Plug in VR modules, can be used with 5v hall effect without any other circuit and both VR inputs are protected.
100x100 board
TE Connectivity Superseal Series 6437288-3 60 pin connector.
By Drunken_M
Hi again NickZ
I saw your PM you sent me, but i cant reply yet of some forum rule.
But you said you have also MEGA 3.5 PRO available.
I want to use the ECU on an Audi 5cylinder engine with COP coils. The importante thing for me is that its capable of delivering 5 ingnition outputs in sequential, so i can erase the dizzy that it has stock.
Will this be able with one of your ECU boards? If so wich one should i buy?

Thanks alot, your doing great work mate :)

Drunken_M wrote: Mon Sep 23, 2019 7:15 pm Hi NickZ, i am interested in buying your latest ecu board. Can you send me a PM with price, and how to purchase? Really like your work :D
By theonewithin
What you want is possible with a standard Speeduino board.

However you will need to make changes to the firmware code to support the 5th ignition output.
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