For general talk about the Speeduino project itself. Future plans, legal stuff, meta etc.

Per si hi ha algú de parla catalana en el foro. He creat recentment una web i estic traduint de mica en mica la documentació al català (amb al llenguatge mecànic d'aquestes terres ;) )

Per saber més:


In case there is someone who speaks Catalan in the forum. I have recently created a website and I am slowly translating the documentation into Catalan (with the mechanical language of these lands ;))

To learn more:
VVT and oil pressure

I have a B18C6 Vtec engine and will run the VVT so[…]

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Appreciate a bit of help with a pair of 2017 to 20[…]

Voltage ±10% is fine for testing. Note GM […]

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