Help with building your Speeduino, installing it, getting it to run etc.
By jklolkik
I am in the process of getting a 4.6l mounted into a ford ranger. I am getting close to having the engine mounted in the truck so I am working on the wiring diagram. I was hoping to get some help so I don't release any of that magic smoke. Sorry if you cant really follow it. I tried to make it need and easy to follow but only so much space and its my first time.
93 ford ranger 4.6l wiring diagram
93 ford ranger 4.6l wiring diagram
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Well done, IMO. Much better than my crayon sketches. :lol: I'd look at any unconnected stubs, e.g., 3 relays, O2, cam sensor, etc. What coils are those?
By jklolkik
All the unconnected bits are ground wires. I just didn't put the ground symbol. Also was not sure if the relays are low side triggered by speeduini or high side. For the cam sensor the image i used was a 3 wire but the engine has 2 wire cam and crank sensors

As for the coils they will be ls/truck d585 coils
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Relays (and most other things) are actuated by ground-switching of the ECM. If the relays are vehicle-controlled (key switch, relay chain, etc) they can be either power or ground-switched. All outputs from most ECMs including Speeduino (except ignition signals and stepper IAC) are grounding outputs. The Wiki could stand some emphasis on this. ;)
By jklolkik
Thank you for the clarification. I was looking at diagrams other people made and some used ground switching and some power switched got me alittle confused.

Would it be better to have the clutch switch vehicle grounded or ecm grounded?
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You may be confusing OUTPUTS versus INPUTS. Most OUTPUTS are grounding.

INPUTS can be anything, or whatever it expects, e.g. 0V to 5V input for TPS signal. Clutch can be selected for either +5V input signal -or- 0V (ground) input.

OUTPUTS (except as previously posted) should be configured and wired to function when the OUTPUT circuit is grounded by the ECM, e.g., always-hot +12V to injectors, then the ECM grounds the circuit to operate them. I hope that helps.
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