Any questions you have before you begin buying, building and installing.
Hello everyone, I come from China and while using Speeduino, I would like to translate this project. Although there is Chinese translation on Tune Studio, it is very inaccurate. I tried to translate Speeduino.ini , but it came out with garbled characters. So, I would like Josh to do Chinese translate work on Sepeeduino, including Tune Studio. What should I do?
Good afternoon. I am fairly new to the Speeduino world and have only been at my project for some 6 years. I realized early on there is a lot of work that would have to be done by myself.

I expect the Tuner Studio inaccuracies are in the information square, blue square with the question mark.

The Speeduino Project is a joint effort and when a new requirement is identified, the person requesting the change is asked to champion the change. Once the change is done, proven correct, and tested/trialed then it can be submitted for inclusion in the Project files for all to use.

I submit that you should be the author of the changes required that you have identified, and once done, submit the changes for consideration and inclusion.

To translate the Speeduino.ini file into a country's language, the programming language must already be available in the language required, if not probably will not happen.

Just a thought on your request. Good luck.
Rednaxs60 wrote: Sun Jan 19, 2025 10:06 pm Good afternoon. I am fairly new to the Speeduino world and have only been at my project for some 6 years. I realized early on there is a lot of work that would have to be done by myself.

I expect the Tuner Studio inaccuracies are in the information square, blue square with the question mark.

The Speeduino Project is a joint effort and when a new requirement is identified, the person requesting the change is asked to champion the change. Once the change is done, proven correct, and tested/trialed then it can be submitted for inclusion in the Project files for all to use.

I submit that you should be the author of the changes required that you have identified, and once done, submit the changes for consideration and inclusion.

To translate the Speeduino.ini file into a country's language, the programming language must already be available in the language required, if not probably will not happen.

Just a thought on your request. Good luck.
Hello, thank you for your reply. I have contacted the author of Tuner Studio software, and they provided me with a dictionary. I have translated a part of it as required, but there are too many lines, about 15000, and many professional terms that I don't understand. I will try my best to translate them. As for the speeduino.ini file, after translating it into Chinese, it shows garbled characters when run in the software. I think it might be because the software doesn't support Chinese, so I also reported this issue to the official. Let's see how to update it later.

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