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Hello, I was wondering how to deal with values beyond firmware's capability like MAP pressure > 511

In the code I notised that for MAP there was a change from 255 to 512 by a divider value so one could modify that with another divider but that would loose accuracy even more, I suppose that's because values are stored in byte, would it require a huge code change to int?
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3-bar of boost on a 400kPa absolute-pressure sensor; 1 bar up to atmo, and 3 of boost. Offhand, in-addition to changing the multiplier in Speeduino, there are other options. One is to use a higher-pressure sensor, such as the MPX5700AP (700kPa PCB mount), PX3-006B (600kPa remote mount) or other similarly linear output unit and custom calibration. This forces a substantial loss of resolution (especially off-boost with only about 0.5V signal range from 0-101lPa), but could be useful in certain applications.

Depending on the application; Speeduino can also run RPM-only fueling, where MAP signal is limited but the RPM continues to increase on the table in a fashion similar to WOT A-N fueling. Again, this may be suitable only for certain applications that are consistent or predictable in their MAP changes above their sensor limit. There are other options.
Hello guys, thanks for your response!

It's for use in tractor pulling and boost pressure for methanol can go up to 10bar (and diesel even higher), currently I am building a tiny engine and aren't going further then 4 bar boost (staying within Speeduino limits) with a MPX5700AP
WhatsApp Image 2021-01-06 at 17.01.55.jpeg
WhatsApp Image 2021-01-06 at 17.01.55.jpeg (136.58 KiB) Viewed 3926 times
For further use in the future however I was looking for a way to go beyond that limit, using a 5V pressure sensor and "mis"calibrating (10bar real life calibrated as 5) is one of the options but that's not the proper way.
Loss of resolution isn't a big deal since these engines don't need a nice acceleration curve, most of them wil only have boost above 4Krpm so it's revving up until the boost kicks in then release the clutch...
I, too, would like to have access to the full 700kPa of an MPX5700. I'm new to Speeduino with a background in MegaSquirt and was a little surprised to discover that the sensor is officially supported, but not fully supported, if you know what I mean.

Barring a change to the variable type, how badly would accuracy be degraded by changing the multiplier?

I had a play around with the source files and got it partly working on a 3x multiplier, but doing it right seems to be beyond my meager amateur programming experience.

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