Anything else whatsoever... Keep it clean though.
By Rob
I'm very much in the development phase and ultimately looking to use an Ardunio Mega 2560 Pro as the heart of my system which necessitates some delicate soldering. I currently have a 50 year old real of solder of unknown spec and the cheapest variable temperature soldering iron on the market, so good that the manufacture haven't even put their name on it. I have rapidly learnt that these do not give me the precision and control that I need. Can anyone recommend me a suitable soldering iron and solder, whilst I appreciate that I need something better than Amazon basics I don't want to invest thousands in the top of the line Weller, I've a feeling that for what I want there's a sweet spot between the two but I don't know enough to know what that is.

Unless you have specific data that suggests the in[…]

Does this require a genuine Bosch LSU 4.9 or will […]

EPA Regulations

Interesting thread on the GW Docs forum: https://[…]

Thanks fr the reply. The pump has an integral regu[…]

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