For any add-on boards such as VR conditioners, optos and OEM interface boards
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By DStage
Hi! Been a while since I've posted something new. And this one is actually old but in new form, well, at least old for me ;-)

ABS2SPEED or A2S for short is a circuit that allows to take speed signal from a source like ABS sensor and recalculate the frequency so it matches the speedometer. Here is the list of example situations where it's usefull:
  • the original gearbox was swapped for one that doesn't have vehicle speed sensor (impulsator),
  • orginal speedometer was using mechanical wire but was swapped for electronic one and gearbox cannot be equipped with a proper vehicle speed sensor (impulsator),
  • the speedometer was swapped for a different model not compatible with signal from vehicle speed sensor,
  • the size of wheels is significantly different from the original and speed indication is far from accurate,
  • direct wheel speed sensing is faster/more responsive than GPS based speed,
  • alternatively can be used with tachometer for example when it is designed for a different number of cylinders.
I first came up with version 1.0 something like 8 years ago. Back then I swapped speedo in my Seicento from mechanical (SPI version) to electronic (MPI version) and I could in theory change the mechanical wire in the gearbox to electronic sensor.
However I was planning to swap the gearbox to one without the speed output so I wen't all the way and installed steering knuckle from ABS equipped version and took speed directly from ABS sensor. And it's been working great ever since.

That old one was based on a small ARM processor. The shown here version 3.1 is based on an Arduino to make it easier for everyone. The important notice is that is has to use Arduino Nano V3 with ATMega328PB not ATMega328P. The reason for that is I needed an extra 16bit timer to make it work nicely based on "HW" solution rather than on some SW gimmicks ;-)

Here's the github: - you'll find a detailed description in
I still need to finish the 3D printed case model.

There's also an extra function called "Staging" or "Openning ceremony" - the needle goes ti the top of the scale and then back down when you start the vehicle just like in newer cars 8-)

Please note that A2S v3.1 was only tested so far on the bench with a generator, not in real life conditions. From the input point of view it is very similar to my old v1.0 design which works great with 2-wire Hall sensor and there's no reason to believe it'd be different with 3-wire Hall. So, just the VR input requires checking and it so happens one champ here in Poland will be trying that soon.
We'll have to see how's the real life performance, if there are no glitches with low speed etc.
DStage_A2S_v3.0_proto2.jpg (926.42 KiB) Viewed 2193 times
DStage_A2S_v3.0_proto1.jpg (800.19 KiB) Viewed 2193 times
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Awesome example of a 'modular' or 'accessory function' system basis. Solutions for specific tasks as a clean and functional module, allowing Speeduino to coordinate if desired, but not burdened with the function. The big deal here, IMO, is this leaves Speeduino to focus on running the engine with more space and speed as the critical function. Speeduino is an ECM (Engine Control Module) not a PCM, ECU, or BCM and needs elbow room to be awesome at that job. Good stuff. 8-)
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By DStage
Thanks for the kind words.

I've just uploaded slightly improved SW version 0.5 that helps with some abnormal situations, potentially also low speed / 0km/h behavior as well as potential issue with the "staging" gadget feature.
Circuit was now tested a bit more including VR sensor but still done on the bench. Soon we should have results from a real life usage.
By Mappie
Cool 8-)

would be nice to have it CAN based, like for example: recieving actual wheel speeds from ABS via CAN to determine vehicle speed.. next stage with input parameters to setup with a automatic live in action wheel speed control system controlled by ecu, like a max torque per wheel limiter.. and all the other G :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: DNESS you can think off.

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By DStage
Mappie wrote: Thu Dec 05, 2024 11:18 am Cool 8-)
Thanks ;-)
Mappie wrote: Thu Dec 05, 2024 11:18 am would be nice to have it CAN based, like for example: recieving actual wheel speeds from ABS via CAN to determine vehicle speed..
Hmm, somehow it's hard to imagine the use case - a vehicle new enough to have ABS speed via CAN but you'd actually add older frequency controlled speedometer to it? Or I got it the other way around and the ABS and whole CAN stuff would come from a newer car, not sure why someone would do it but, sure, sky is the limit :D
Mappie wrote: Thu Dec 05, 2024 11:18 am next stage with input parameters to setup with a automatic live in action wheel speed control system controlled by ecu, like a max torque per wheel limiter.. and all the other G :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: DNESS you can think off.
OK... if you're thinking about something like electronic "LSD" with brakes then well, that's really a bit different thing ;-) And a scary one too :lol:

From other news I will start working on:
- adding a display if someone for example temporary (or not) discounts the speedometer/instrument cluster, or wants to show the speed to passengers or whatever hehe
- optional GPS input in case someone has a problem to get any kid of vehicle speed signal in the car. Can also be a temporary solution before a final shape of the project (if it's ever finished, we all know how it goes :lol: )

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