Any questions you have before you begin buying, building and installing.
Morning All,

Prior to asking a plethora of questions I thought I'd introduce myself and provide some context. I have been into modified cars since I started driving. Most relevant to this forum being a classic Mini which I installed MegaJolt about twenty years ago, I don't think I was the first person to do it but information & parts were pretty limited back the, I had to etch my own board and flash the chip myself. Fast forward to present day and I've just replaced my daily driver with something that has a bit more towing capacity and I'm looking for a project car to use as a weekend toy. I haven't 100% settled on what I want and I'm having fun window shopping. One thing is certain whatever I go for I want to use it as a platform to learn about EFI and having used Arduinos for various projects I figured Speeduino would be a logical starting point.

Whilst I've not got a project car (yet) I've picked up a pair of DCOE throttle bodies, I figure as you can get twin DCOE manifolds for pretty much any four cylinder engine out there they should be a good starting point. I've also flashed Speeduino onto a spare Mega that I had knocking around and connected it up to TunerStudio. My next step will be to mound a trigger wheel in my lathe to check that works.

As I want to use this as a learning platform I'm planning on creating my own circuit board and I've already started teaching myself KiCad, PCB design software has come along way in 20 years! but this time I'll probably out source the PCB production.

So my first two questions:

Does anyone know where I can find a list of which pins are used on the Arduino and what they are used for? as I'm currently creating my own list based on the schematic diagrams I've found on GitHub. Also has anyone used an Arduino Mega 2560 Pro? packaging wise it appears to be a nicer option that the "classic" Arduino Mega.

Secondly has anyone got Speeduino to work with RealDash on an iPhone? I can't workout how to don't load the .ini file or if it's even possible with an iPhone. I've order an Android Tablet which I'll ultimately used but I figured I'd try and get it working with what I've got to start with.


PS, yes I know I could buy a kit to solder up myself but for me this project is more about the learning than the end result, hence wanting to recreate my own version of the wheel.

//Pin mappings as per the v0.4 shield
pinInjector1 = 8; //Output pin injector 1 is on
pinInjector2 = 9; //Output pin injector 2 is on
pinInjector3 = 10; //Output pin injector 3 is on
pinInjector4 = 11; //Output pin injector 4 is on
pinInjector5 = 12; //Output pin injector 5 is on
pinInjector6 = 50; //CAUTION: Uses the same as Coil 4 below.
pinCoil1 = 40; //Pin for coil 1
pinCoil2 = 38; //Pin for coil 2
pinCoil3 = 52; //Pin for coil 3
pinCoil4 = 50; //Pin for coil 4
pinCoil5 = 34; //Pin for coil 5 PLACEHOLDER value for now
pinTrigger = 19; //The CAS pin
pinTrigger2 = 18; //The Cam Sensor pin
pinTrigger3 = 3; //The Cam sensor 2 pin
pinTPS = A2;//TPS input pin
pinMAP = A3; //MAP sensor pin
pinIAT = A0; //IAT sensor pin
pinCLT = A1; //CLS sensor pin
pinO2 = A8; //O2 Sensor pin
pinBat = A4; //Battery reference voltage pin
pinDisplayReset = 48; // OLED reset pin
pinTachOut = 49; //Tacho output pin (Goes to ULN2803)
pinIdle1 = 5; //Single wire idle control
pinIdle2 = 6; //2 wire idle control
pinBoost = 7; //Boost control
pinVVT_1 = 4; //Default VVT output
pinVVT_2 = 48; //Default VVT2 output
pinFuelPump = 45; //Fuel pump output (Goes to ULN2803)
pinStepperDir = 16; //Direction pin for DRV8825 driver
pinStepperStep = 17; //Step pin for DRV8825 driver
pinStepperEnable = 24; //Enable pin for DRV8825
pinFan = 47; //Pin for the fan output (Goes to ULN2803)
pinLaunch = 51; //Can be overwritten below
pinFlex = 2; // Flex sensor (Must be external interrupt enabled)
pinResetControl = 43; //Reset control output
pinBaro = A5;
pinVSS = 20;
pinWMIEmpty = 46;
pinWMIIndicator = 44;
pinWMIEnabled = 42;
I have been down that path. and had it running well. but that was a few years ago and there has been some further development of the interface since then. If you seach you will find my write up and a number of other successful installs..

From my original investigations it will not run on USB between the tablet/Phone and Speeduino. Only blue tooth. That may have changed but I cannot remember seeing anything

When I set mine up it It would only run on serial 1 over blue tooth as the serial interfaces are different. I beleive there was some changes to serial 3 but im not sure if it allowed things to work.

Here is a link to my discovarys:

stum wrote: Tue Nov 26, 2024 3:54 am Here is a link to my discovarys:

Thank you that's really helpful.
stum wrote: Tue Oct 08, 2019 6:35 am Time for an update.

I have scratched my head on this for a while. And was thinking of changing the code on serial 3 (mega) to give it some basic ODB2 functionality. After reading other peoples success I have connected my blue tooth module to serial0.

And reconfigure Realdash to Megasquirt, give it a speeduino.ino file. And bang it talks and gives data. And even updates, suck or blow on the MAP sensor and it changes. Magic.

No other changes needed. latest code just works with newly added "a" command like Megasquirt.

The only got you I found was you need to power the speeduino board with a separate power supply, not a PC USB port (this slowed my down for 30 minuets) . I used a Powered USB hub. Was not hard.
This is pretty much where I'm at now.
stum wrote: Mon May 04, 2020 1:25 am I understand that there have been some code updates to both speedie and realdash that now allows this functionality on serial 3 (which is what I stared off doing) this is great as it allows for both tunerstudio and realdash to operate at same time.
This is my latest head scratch also, I've currently got the HC-O6 connected to RX0 & TX0 on my Arduino, but as I understand it the USB cable also connects to RX0 & TX0 preventing me from simultaneously connecting my Speeduino to Tuner Studio on my laptop and RealDash on a tablet.
Yes 100% correct about the USB connected to PC and the Blue Tooth to tablet. I have seen other people just use bluetooth for both tuner studio and Dash. But only one at a time.

I was on the Realdash fourm a couple of days a go and it looks like there is some developments in XML and serial CAN for speeduion. but I have not had any experiences with that. If you could crack the XML over serial 3 I think you would be a winner. but I missed the whole XML, came along after my code cutting days.

Below is one that I think show promises. ... al-03/5703

Good Luck.

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