For discussion of Speeduino compatible boards designed / built by other members of the forum and for guidance around making such a board
Near the end of 2023 I've designed yet another Speeduino variant based on ATmega2560. The main goal of this project was to maximize the assembly automation and minimize the need for soldering and mechanical operations. I also wanted it to be "robust" thermally meaning I did not want to use "undersized" components for ignition or injectors. Yet another one was to give all basic/popular functions on board.

So, here are the features:
- main part based roughly on Speeduino v0.4.4,
- uses ATmega2560 on Mini Pro module,
- popular 2x24pin connector case from Aliexpress,
- all components besides connectors and jumper headers are SMD,
- all or nearly all SMD components can be ordered already assembled via JLCPCB,
- built-in simple 2 channel VR conditioner,
- trimming of Hall/VR sensors threshold with a potentiometer,
- socket for optional external VR conditioner,
- 4 ignition outputs that can be set to either passive or active mode (with dedicated ignition IGBTs),
- 4 injector outputs with dedicated injector MOSFETs,
- 4 high current outputs (open drain to GND, Idle, Boost + 2 universal),
- 4 low current outputs (open collector to GND, pullup on Tacho, Fan, Fuel pump, universal),
- built-in MAP sensor.
- 6 analogue inputs (O2, CLT, MAP, TPS, IAT, universal),
- VVS input with built-in VR conditioner, pull-up for 3-wire Hall, pull-down and dedicated +9V power output for 2-wire Hall (common in some ABS sensors),
- some other "digital" inputs (Clutch, Flex fuel),
- built-in wideband oxygen sensor controller (SLC free based),
- optional module (Arduino Xiao) for speedometer control with recalculation of input speed to match signal required by speedometer
- stepper motor driver optional module,
- optional module (in place of stepper driver) for ETC (DBW) - special variant of my ETC DStage_ETC_DSv1.0 ... n/ETC%20DS
- optional Bluetooth module.

There were 5 prototypes made and at least 2 of them are now tested by some champs. Those were v1.0 while the now available documentation is for v1.3 containing some improvements (few of the details described above were not present or not ready in v1.0).

Production files and more detailed description is available on my github:
DStage_DSpeed_v1.3_render.png (452.81 KiB) Viewed 1850 times
DStage_DSpeed_v1.0_proto.jpg (1.38 MiB) Viewed 1850 times
DStage_DSpeed_v1.3_render_with_ETC.png (483.51 KiB) Viewed 1850 times
I had a few of problems recently like burned PSoC MiniPro3. So when I had an unexpected success I felt a need to let the world know :lol:
I will create another topic about a new version of my WBOOS v1.2 that is a mod of SLC Free, I've mentioned it in the past on the forum. The thing is the same program can of course run on any SLC Free based controller, including the one on my DSpeed Speeduino. And since that's what i had on hand I first tested it here.

For som time now I was thinking about adding LED display to WBOOS (LSC Free) as the LCD aside to having more info at once has it's disadvantages. Such as it's not always visible enough and it can be quite slow when it get's cold. In the past I tried OLED "direct" replacement but it didn't work. Would have to be a project on its own to tweak the timings or something. Anyway, I decided to try with module based on TM1637 since it's cheap, ready to use, easy for everyone and there are Arduino libs so I don't have to think from scratch.

So, I've ported one of the libs to PSoC and optimized it a bit. And what do you know! It worked the fist time :lol: The only problem I could see so far was that swapped two digits, esy fix. So here is the glance of first results.

As I said I will create a separate topic in case someone wants to have it with WBOOS or other incarnation of standalone or build in SLC free compatible controller. It's also more convenient as it only uses 2 wires and power+ground so no need to have 8-9 wires sticking out from ECU to have LCD display directly from the controller (yes, I know you can have other means of displaying AFR directly from Speduino or from analogue signal).
DStage_WBOOS_v1.2_LED_first_trial.jpg (1.4 MiB) Viewed 724 times
keanecn wrote: Thu Feb 06, 2025 3:47 am have a THT ?SMD to difficl to diy
That's a matter of opinion if SMD is hard to DIY or not :lol:

The main intention of this board (like most of my designs) is automated assembly of as many components as possible so SMD it is. All connectors are THT and they should be soldered manually. Everything else (almost) can be ordered assembled in JLCPCB. The two exceptions are the lambda microcontroller and MAP as they usually have them out of stock.
I also ordered it without injector transistors to lower the cost and keep it below the 150 Euro threshold above which I'd have to pay the custom fee hehe.

JLC has very good prices on components so even with assembly fee and extra charges for parts from extended list it can still be cheaper than what you would pay for those parts when buying in low quantities at regular stores.
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