For anything not related to Speeduino, but still about car/bike/boat/engines etc
I am trying to determine if the cam sensor on an '06 r1 is VR or hall effect.

At first I thought hall effect because it's 3 wire. But then I found out that some VR sensors are 3 wire and you need to test resistance in both directions to be sure.

So results of testing I only have 2 wires with any continuity at all, 33.46 kohms in one direction and 33.56 kohms in the other. Both readings very stable.

As far as I understand resistance should be exactly the same both ways on a VR sensors and more in the range of 1 kohms not 33. So now I'm thinking maybe it is hall effect but I'm still unsure because of how similar the resistance is.

If anyone could tell me with more certainty VR or hall, or perhaps knows of another test to determine what I've got that would be much appreciated.

I also measured the crank position sensor out of curiosity which is a 2 wire sensor and I get
0.437 kohms both directions every time.
Set your meter to low volts, and see if those wires produce a small voltage when you stick or remove the sensor to something steel or iron. Yes = VR.

Otherwise, a common method is to find the wiring diagrams for a car that used it, for whether the sensor received (+) and (-) power = Hall, or no power = VR. Diagrams also provide the correct wiring connections. ;)
PSIG wrote: Fri Sep 20, 2024 3:10 am Set your meter to low volts, and see if those wires produce a small voltage when you stick or remove the sensor to something steel or iron. Yes = VR.

Otherwise, a common method is to find the wiring diagrams for a car that used it, for whether the sensor received (+) and (-) power = Hall, or no power = VR. Diagrams also provide the correct wiring connections. ;)
I tested the voltage as you suggested and it seems to definitely not be a VR sensors. I tested all the different combinations in both directions and got nothing when introducing a piece of steel. There was some existing voltage when one of the pins was connected to either of the others but still no change with the steel.

I tested the 2 wire crank sensor for contrast and got an obvious voltage. So I'm pretty sure at this point that it's a hall effect sensor.

As for the wiring diagram, the one I found doesn't show the pinout for the ECU so it's a little hard to interpret. But like I said I think I got what I needed from the voltage test

Thanks a lot for your insight, It's been very helpful!
Sorry I worded that very badly. I was testing the crank sensor because I knew it was a VR sensor because it has only 2 wires. I just tested it to see if and how it was different from the 3 wire cam sensor which I wasn't sure about. I was referring to the cam sensor when I said hall effect sensor. I hope that's as clear as mud. :)

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