Any general discussion around the firmware, what is does, how it does it etc.
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By moussie369
The available menus are configured via the "speeduino.ini" file in the "reference" folder, maybe pazi88 disabled it because it is currently not working ?
In any case, if it's disabled there must be a good reason, but you could try editing the file to enable access to the menus, I don't see how that could damage anything, still do it at your own risk.

Your best shot is to get an answer directly from pazi88.
Not really familiar with this, but I wonder if you need to select Stm32 somewhere in the project?
Can't really direct as I'm on my mobile. :)
By Jun Takei
Thank you everyone for your replies.

I asked the question via pazi88's youtube. I'll let you know if I find out anything.
By Jun Takei
I received a reply from pazi88.
He said that it should work fine with STM32.

I think there is a problem with my hardware or software build or download.
I will investigate further and post again.

Thank you everyone.
By Jun Takei
I tried forcibly bringing up the SD log menu.
I understand that speeduino.ini is copied to TS's mainController.ini, so I modified the SD log description in mainController.ini to make it the same as the Tennsy board. It seems that the presence of RTC is a condition for boards other than the Tennsy board.

When using an SD card formatted with exFat on a PC, an error message appears.

I formatted the SD card in the TS dialog.
When I then pressed the reinitialize button, the error message remained, but the free space on the SD card (8GB) was displayed.

It seems that communication with the SD card is probably occurring and the capacity is being obtained, so it does not appear to be completely non-operational.

Thank you.
mainCtrl_ini_mod.jpg (66.21 KiB) Viewed 735 times
TS_sdlog_menu.jpg (77.42 KiB) Viewed 735 times
TS_sdlog_cons.jpg (24.45 KiB) Viewed 735 times
By Jun Takei
Although it is limited, I was able to take an SD log.

1. Insert an SD card formatted with exFat on the PC and power on the speeduino.

2. Start TS, at this point the total size of the SD card on the SD console is unknown.
(If I press the start log button at this point, an SD error will occur)

3. Format with the "Format SD Card" button on the SD console.

4. Press the "Reset and wait" button.
(At this point the total size of the SD card is displayed correctly)

5. Press the "Start SD Log" button on the SD console to take a log.
(This log can be downloaded to a PC)

However, if I turn off the speeduino, the total size of the SD card becomes unknown again.
It seems that the cause is that the SD card information cannot be obtained correctly.

Thank you.
ts_sd_log_ok.jpg (44.86 KiB) Viewed 606 times
By Jun Takei
After investigating using an SWD debugger and SPI protocol analyzer, I found out the reason why the SD card could not be accessed.

When TS starts, the SD card is accessed correctly (CMD0, CMD8, etc.), but after that, the MOSI and MISO signals become LOW, and the FF dummy access to the SD card is not sent correctly, and the CMD9 command (to get the card capacity) times out.

The MOSI and MISO signals become LOW because they are overwritten with boardID=3 of arduino_MEGA by the setPinMapping function. The boardID of BMW PnP PCBs by pazi88. is 31.
When I format the SD card in the SD console, the MOSI and MISO pins are reconfigured, so the SD card becomes accessible.

So here are my questions.

-How is the controller board type boardID (config2.pinMappin) used in the speeduino program determined? I imagine it is transferred from TS to speeduino. However, only the controller types Arduino, Teensy, and STM32 can be set in TS. I have multiple boards using each controller.

I've attached a photo of the debugging process and a spreadsheet summarizing the pinLayout in speeduino.ini and the boardID in init.cpp.

Thank you.
I_240826_1.jpg (95.1 KiB) Viewed 449 times
pinLyaout_calc.jpg (126.65 KiB) Viewed 449 times
By Jun Takei
I watched pazi88's YouTube video and thought the settings were sufficient.
I completely forgot that there was a board type in the engine settings.
I'll ask again if I don't understand anything else.

Thank you.
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