Anything not specifically related to the Speeduino hardware. Eg sensors, bluetooth, displays etc
By Gronno
Hi all, hoping someone can help me. I made one of the stupidest mistakes I have made while working on cars today, while wiring the loom I have somehow made the mistake of wiring the 12v and gnd the wrong way round (I know what a clown). When plugging in in the ecu with the wrong polarity I immediately saw some smoke from around the 40pin connector and disconnected, after realizing my mistake I switched the polarity and plugged it in and this cause the c17 capacitor to go pop. I am using the Speeduino v0.4.4c, does anyone know what capacitor is in c17 or anything else I could have damaged?
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By La Team Prep
Gronno wrote: Fri Oct 13, 2023 5:13 pm Hi all, hoping someone can help me. I made one of the stupidest mistakes I have made while working on cars today, while wiring the loom I have somehow made the mistake of wiring the 12v and gnd the wrong way round (I know what a clown). When plugging in in the ecu with the wrong polarity I immediately saw some smoke from around the 40pin connector and disconnected, after realizing my mistake I switched the polarity and plugged it in and this cause the c17 capacitor to go pop. I am using the Speeduino v0.4.4c, does anyone know what capacitor is in c17 or anything else I could have damaged?
Hi there!
Hopefully, you might only have to replace the components pointed by an arrow!
U8 by it self can only support max -30 V reverse current so check on D14 first and don't forget to replace D15 and C17!
0.4.4 Power.png
0.4.4 Power.png (182.04 KiB) Viewed 594 times
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