For any discussion not specifically related to your project
By rangie89
Hello All,

Looking at ordering parts. Digikey have marked the 4 x 497-5896-5-ND as being obsolete.

Has anyone tried an alternative? Do they have a part number they wish to share.

Thanks in advance.
By Jason Green
rangie89 wrote: Wed Jun 12, 2024 3:12 am Hello All,

Looking at ordering parts. Digikey have marked the 4 x 497-5896-5-ND as being obsolete.

Has anyone tried an alternative? Do they have a part number they wish to share.

Thanks in advance.

STP70NS04ZC Is a good alternative.
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In an attempt to be more helpful, I'll suggest a couple parts, and why I might prefer them. This topic comes-up a lot, and it would be nice to have a couple part numbers to throw-out for alternatives. Some input from others would be appreciated to have some cross-check "selection by community", rather than one person's perspective.

Limiting to only STMicro parts, I might suggest the STP105N3LL, as a very high amp logic-level (5V gate signal) part, with high avalanche and continuous rating. Down-sides to this one are the slightly lower VBR(DSS), which is where we (I) have seen issues, such as 1.5A low-amp inductive devices (e.g.,PWM IAC) try to overheat a 60A+ FET. This can be avoided with an external Zener diode across the inductive part, but is another thing to do.

It also has no gate clamping like the original, but opinions vary on the value of this feature, for our uses. I have not tested the value of gate clamping on the circuits and devices we use, so I have no strong input other than observing simple parts such as the IRLZ44 seem a popular alternative, and no flood of failure reports. I will mention here some disturbing failures of any parts, related to clones versus originals, and it can be difficult to determine if the failure is counterfeit parts.

If a bit higher VBR is desired along with gate clamping of the original spec part, perhaps the STP140N4F6, which is a 10V VGS signal part, but tested as usable at logic level (where the STP are not and perform poorly). Just a couple ideas to toss around.

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