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This is my first project with Speeduino and it is about giving a new life to my old Suzuki GN250. I deeply appreciated the help from the community, i already receive some help about my fuel pump setup, thanks a lot. Now my question is about the crank position sensor.

I have a lot of doubts about how to configure my crank signal (the most important one), all that a know about my pickup coil and setup is this image attached. I know that i have to pickup the signal in the RISING edge, and that from the start to the end of the notch i have 10 degrees (i think i know that...) I deeply appreciated any inside about this.
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JHolland wrote: Tue Apr 23, 2024 8:56 am I came across this setup many years ago, It isn't a conventional setup so I think that you will struggle to get any assistance with that. Could you fit a VR of HE sensor to trigger the Speeduino?

Yes, i already have Max9926, I'm struggling in know how to config the software part, this setup would be configured as a "dumb coil" with ignition? Or there is a setup for a wheel with one notch? It would make sense to have a setup for a flywheel with one notch, for 1 cylinder engines, (squish and ignition every 360 degress, with wasted spark and squish, because the engine cicle is every 720 degress). My engine is still on the machine shop doing head work, so I'm trying to do my home work ahead of time to be prepared when a receive it. :D
Last edited by Virgilio Caio on Tue Apr 23, 2024 9:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
Virgilio Caio wrote: Tue Apr 23, 2024 9:48 amI'm struggling in know how to config the software part, this setup would be configured as a "dumb coil" with ignition?
Yes. Resolution would be extremely low, and why later bikes used more teeth. There are several threads here with many concepts of how to add (or subtract material) for multiple targets (teeth, holes, slots, etc) that may be a reasonable or easier solution. At that point it would become a common standard set up.

I have not tried it, but as a 4-stroke it might share the conditioned current sensor input to both crank and cam inputs to use dual wheel 1/1. Should be an easy test to try on the bench for info. It would mess with other stuff like RPM adn displacement. Then I'd look into adding a Hall sensor to the valve train for 720° cycle sensing and try again. <shrug>
Virgilio Caio wrote: Tue Apr 23, 2024 9:51 am I have a VR, Max9926.
JHolland wrote: Tue Apr 23, 2024 8:56 am I came across this setup many years ago, It isn't a conventional setup so I think that you will struggle to get any assistance with that. Could you fit a VR of HE sensor to trigger the Speeduino?
My mistake, I was thinking that it was the same as the GN400 but I see now that you have 12V to the ignitor so it is, most likely, a conventional system.
Yes, the bike has a TCI (Transistor control ignition), it has an electronic ignition module that controls ignition and advance.

JHolland wrote: Tue Apr 23, 2024 3:25 pm
Virgilio Caio wrote: Tue Apr 23, 2024 9:51 am I have a VR, Max9926.
JHolland wrote: Tue Apr 23, 2024 8:56 am I came across this setup many years ago, It isn't a conventional setup so I think that you will struggle to get any assistance with that. Could you fit a VR of HE sensor to trigger the Speeduino?
My mistake, I was thinking that it was the same as the GN400 but I see now that you have 12V to the ignitor so it is, most likely, a conventional system.
Ok, just to clarify: I will setup it as a "dumb coil" and Trigger edge - Whether the primary signal triggers on the Rising or Falling edge.
– VR Conditioners require specific setting depending on model used:
* VR conditioners based on MAX9926 or LM ICs should use RISING. This includes Drop-
bear units

That is correct? I understand the suggestion to add tooth or what not to my rotor, and change the pickup coil to a hall effect sensor, but i will not like to do that, i want to use the original setup the bike/engine came in, for a lot of reasons, the primary one is that i don´t have the necessary tools to do the change, and my engine will come from the mechanic done and seal...

Another question, why is the resolution bad on this setup? In my understand, on a single cylinder engine, the rising edge of the notch comes at least 10 degrees before top dead center (i´m taking this assumption from my service manual and from this image annex above), and as a 4 stroke engine, i will have a waste spark and squish, thats all, please correct-me if i´m wrong...

Thanks everyone who is helping me on this.
PSIG wrote: Tue Apr 23, 2024 2:36 pm
Virgilio Caio wrote: Tue Apr 23, 2024 9:48 amI'm struggling in know how to config the software part, this setup would be configured as a "dumb coil" with ignition?
Yes. Resolution would be extremely low, and why later bikes used more teeth. There are several threads here with many concepts of how to add (or subtract material) for multiple targets (teeth, holes, slots, etc) that may be a reasonable or easier solution. At that point it would become a common standard set up.

I have not tried it, but as a 4-stroke it might share the conditioned current sensor input to both crank and cam inputs to use dual wheel 1/1. Should be an easy test to try on the bench for info. It would mess with other stuff like RPM adn displacement. Then I'd look into adding a Hall sensor to the valve train for 720° cycle sensing and try again. <shrug>
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Another question, with the Max9926 conditioner i can just input my pickup coil signal to the Speeduino, no other treatment needed? In this module there is 2 resistors holes empty, available to install, anyone have some inside about that?

Thanks for the help.
JHolland wrote: Tue Apr 23, 2024 3:25 pm
Virgilio Caio wrote: Tue Apr 23, 2024 9:51 am I have a VR, Max9926.
JHolland wrote: Tue Apr 23, 2024 8:56 am I came across this setup many years ago, It isn't a conventional setup so I think that you will struggle to get any assistance with that. Could you fit a VR of HE sensor to trigger the Speeduino?
My mistake, I was thinking that it was the same as the GN400 but I see now that you have 12V to the ignitor so it is, most likely, a conventional system.
On a pitbike engine I was able to use the pickup coil as a trigger on the VR input but did not get to the point of testing it while running. Someone with more electronic knowledge than me can confirm, but I thin the trigger coil voltags can be as high as 5v whereas the highest input voltage for the VR adapter is VCC (5v)? ... AX9927.pdf

If both of those voltage assumptions are correct, maybe there is a way to clamp the current coming to the VR adapter?
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