For anything related to the 'official' Speeduino boards (Eg v0.3, v0.4 etc)
Hola amigos.
Tego una board 0.4.3d ensamblada y al realizar el test de hardware encuentro.
El canal 1,3 y 4 de ignicion no encienden el led
y el canal 4 de inyector al aplicar el test encuiende despacio toma como 0.5 segundos en encender.
me pueden orientar que componentes debo revisar.
check your original injectorwiring. Injectors need ground probably and not +?
How did you hook up your injectors, to ground?
Check fuses ...
Check LED orientation ...
Check your original vehicles wiring diagram and compare with your injectorwiring.
Speeduino grounds the powered injectors. Most "outputs" from Speeduino are grounding outputs.

Get the schematics for your board series to verify correct parts and correct orientation on the board — that includes LED polarity. Inspect for good and bad solder joints. Check all connections, voltages, etc. The board will often not function completely on USB power alone.

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