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By GabrielMascia
Ok so im running a standalone ecu from RM racing electronics. Firmware: speeduino 202005. Im in trigger settngs and its asking me for the trigger angle ATDC. Anyone know this value for a m52b28 and can maybe run me through all the settings to get it to stay idling smoothly? Thanks in advance.
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By pazi88
GabrielMascia wrote: Tue Feb 27, 2024 1:38 am Ok so im running a standalone ecu from RM racing electronics. Firmware: speeduino 202005. Im in trigger settngs and its asking me for the trigger angle ATDC. Anyone know this value for a m52b28 and can maybe run me through all the settings to get it to stay idling smoothly? Thanks in advance.
it's 324 degrees BTDC, so 360 - 324 = 36 ATDC.
timing.jpg (67.7 KiB) Viewed 1378 times
Though this only gets you close. To get exact angle to match your setup, you need to use timing light. Note that your board most likely does wasted spark. So YOU CAN'T USE TIMING LIGHT WITH ADVANCE ADJUSTMENT. It only works with sequential ignition. Get dump one that has no adjustment.

And also. Update your FW. That's really old one that has problems that have been fixed for newer versions. That of course has lot more features too.

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