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By usatracy
Kohler V Twin 33 hp EFI engine.
Dual plugs in each cylinder 4 plugs total, no mystery there
Dual injectors , one in each intake manifold a few inches from the intake (the mystery)
A crank sensor but no other sensor to establish full synch (as I understand full synch)

So how does Kohler work the injectors without a cam sensor ?
The ignition is easy, it could be wasted spark, but assuming the injectors are in sync presumably the spark would be too.

I can only think of two ways this would work.

1- They just spray the injectors and hope for the best, its either in synch or not and the injected fuel will just get sucked in when the intake opens, and wasted spark is used

2-. On starting, they only fire cylinder 1, and monitor the crank signal on a per tooth basis and look for the power stroke to speed up, and establish synch that way.

Thoughts ?

By usatracy
so after reading a lot, it is possible they use the map sensor to establish sync on startup then monitor the teeth from that point forward and ignore the map sensor for sync unless restarted, maybe.
By runesm
Theres no need at all for a cam sensor. You can run it at "half sync", ie. cranksensor only. Fuel doesnt go anywhere, it just sits in the intake and waits for the air to move again.
By apollard
And, despite what most think, timing the injectors is only for some minor improvements (mostly emissions) at low speeds only. Most of the time, the injectors are firing on closed valves because there is not enough time to fire only when the valve is open. So syncing with valve action isn't necessary for a well tuned engine.

DI can inject all the fuel quickly, and was adopted for emissions reasons.
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