Any questions you have before you begin buying, building and installing.
By jklolkik
Thanks for that should have been obvious.

I forgot to add/slipped my mind my truck also has edis6 can I just reuse that ignition module instead of having to buy a couple new ones?
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Sounds good, and this should be a straight-forward setup and tuning. A stock 4.0L OHV on 10 psig should be pushing over 250 HP already on 246cc+ injectors on pump gas, 320cc on E85. Sounds fun! 8-)
By jklolkik
Ill also be running a 422 cam and getting the heads ported along with the intake. So should be alittle higher than that. Already have 6 24lb injectors from a ford f250 5.7lv8.

Thank you for your help so far and I will make a new post once I start the actual project
By jklolkik
From alittle searching all I could find was that the edis module isnt supported by speeduino unless something changed that im not finding. Ill be looking for other igniters unless edis is now supported
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Correct, EDIS is not supported, and as we have direct control there isn't much call for it. So while you have to replace the EDIS with a coil driver, the benefits are greater control and options. It's a win with boost. Added options with hot street NA, and no particular benefit with granny's car. :lol:

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