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By AndrewPhillips
Linux mint: 21.1, time library 1.6.1, elegoo mega 2560, tunerstudio 3.1.08

I’m currently in the process of starting my Speeduino journey for a Ford 302. I notice that, when I upload firmware from speedyloader that tunerstudio initially detected my elegoo board, but after loading the base tune I cannot connect to tunerstudio. When I try to detect the firmware on the board it detects the elegoo board but labels it “spe” and states it does not recognize the firmware. Manually confirming the firmware results in no connection. I suspect this has a connection to the known ch304 chip issue.

While trying to compile v202207.1 firmware in the arduino ide, compilation hanged on “Timer.h” “no such file”. Rolling the timer library back to 1.5 corrects the compiler error and loads to the board. It did not correct the connection to tunerstudio.
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I do not know what the "known CH340 issue" is. Have you tried loading EEPROM_clear from SpeedyLoader to clear the chip, and trying again? Using SpeedyLoader and TS to burn on a Mega should not require compiling, but I'm not a Linux guy.
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By AndrewPhillips
Got it, that did clear my connections issue. However, if you do decide to compile through the arduino IDE, the time library may be an issue. Thanks for the tip.
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AndrewPhillips wrote: Sat Feb 25, 2023 2:54 amHowever, if you do decide to compile through the arduino IDE, the time library may be an issue.
Yes, that is an issue with other files as well, and has no relation to Speeduino or TS. Only to vent, I will say that making different incompatible files with the same name is not just stupid, it is idiotic and ridiculous. I don't know what moron thought that up. :lol: I have spent hours after ESP32 work sessions for example, to have the wrong files of the same name refuse to unload and replace with applicable files. Yes, that's a known IDE issue across millions of IDE users, and now you know how to wipe that garbage out of the processor and start over. Thanks for understanding. :lol:
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