Help with building your Speeduino, installing it, getting it to run etc.
By hello
I have a speeduino v0.4 with a MEGA 2560 R3 Board ATmega2560-16AU CH340G , windows 7 pro
I have tunerstudio ms with megalog and have a difficult time live feeding data. Is speeduino set up for this?
What do I need to do?
Hello hello

What you need to do is be more specific about what the issue is! In what way is it not working?
By hello
Thanks for reponse.
here is what happens;
at first it acts like its online
I open tunerstudio, it boots up and I select my "tune" which is loads.
The dash seems active: I can open the throttle and see the tps gauge move, I can turn it over and see the rpm gauge.

after the vehicle starts, in a little bit, the gauges won't respond, maybe the temp does. I try to log data and save it but log files don't appear*.mlg or if they do nothing recognized is in them.

Thanks for your help!
Will the engine continue to run?

Are you using tunerstudio lite?

How is speedy connected to ts?
By theonewithin
Why are you using windows 7?

It has been killed off.

It is easy to upgrade to win10 for free and you should be doing this asap
By hello
engine runs
ts ultra
see cable pic attached

will win10/ts work on any computer? what is min processor speed?ram size & type? or processor type? would different type of motherboard make a difference? usb 3.0 or better?
DSCI0402.JPG (158.91 KiB) Viewed 4627 times
Win 7 should work.

Have you tried plugging in to a different USB.?
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By pazi88
Native usb2.0 ports seem to be more reliable with aftermarket ecus than usb3 0 ports. Especially cheap laptops use quite poorly implemented usb3.0 interfaces that can cause really strange problems when using usb2.0 devices.

Do you have ch340 (edit, seems that yes you do have) usb-serial chip in your arduino mega? If yes the drivers that windows installs automatically can be unreliable in speeduino use. In that case install the official drivers from the chinese manufacturer site. Those are reliable.

Lastly it could be just interference from the vehicle that prevents the usb from working. Especially non-R version plugs and plug wires cause lot of noise when engine is running that the usb interface can't handle and it causes the connection to be lost.
By hello
Thanks for the comments.
It seems difficult at times to tell the difference between criticism and constructive comments,
the interface between the laptop and mega just doesn't work............................all the time
is usb usb or something else
I can hook up printers and phones and other devices to usb and they will work all the time, day after day

Once i crank the engine over and it starts is when ts doesn't respond to the mega any more

now it gets boring and complicated, on what happens between computer to mega
mega receives the timing signal
and goes off trying to figure when and how much to spark and how much switches to get the injectors
leaves the usb along, one idea
another is the software computer interface can't handle the connection.

I'll have to check it out, to leave mega on and see if ts responds to the tps without engine every being turned over all day

I am sure someone out there has a bench test setup, 4 inputs , can run off two ?
and monitor the outputs digitally while still connected to ts
does inductive feedback from coils (injectors and sparks) exist and how much?

I sent a msg to efiannalytics maker of ts they commented usually it is a grounding issue. So, I powered my laptop with a 12v computer power supply converter, hooked it up to the vehicle battery and still got the disconnect.

which brought up another issue, my 12v battery sometimes runs 15v or so, If I connect the speeduino 12v line directly to the battery leds 1&2 stay on. I am not sure what this means. seeing on how I can be an 'end user' while everyone puts time and effort to create something ....................

your feedback is important!
By dazq
Firstly it must be said that there are many hundreds of installs now that are working as intended without issue.

Second is the interaction between the usb port and the mega mcu are Independant.
It doesn't matter what the mega is doing this won't disconnect the usb .

It would be useful for us and efianalyitics if you took a serial log from TS to see if the problem you see is consistent and repeatable to aid in assisting you.

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