For discussion of anything related to the Speeduino documentation wiki
By Logicaluk
I'm probably going to regret this but, I'm going to volunteer to rework the Wiki, there is a ton of great information in the Wiki and forum and I have a plan to make it more useful and useable, I started to do it for my own benefit, but this will help the project as a whole if I don't keep it to myself.

My plan is to break the manual into 2 distinct parts hardware and tuning

Hardware, using roughly the same plan for each section, (it seems to work more or less for most areas)
start with an overview of what it dose
go through any different types,
giving some details of how each type works, benefits, etc
How to connect it, does it need extra parts or special considerations
Hardware setup, does it need anything doing to it to get it to work
Software setup in TS

This would all be generalized information, part specific info should be in a table or database, like the ECU pinouts already in place.

Part 2 Tuning the system, haven't got as far as thinking this part through yet.

I'd like to point out I can't and wouldn't want to this completely in isolation, I'll need input and support of the whole community.
By Logicaluk
Here is a first draft of what I have done to the Basic trigger wheels section, I have not touched the factory triggers as I feel theses should be done separately.
Please tell me what you think of the format, is there anything else I can add, I am intending to have a troubleshooting section, but that will go in the trigger sensor section.
Any yellow highlighter means it needs something, either a link or more info.

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By Logicaluk
My plan for the trigger section is to have it in 2 parts, Factory Triggers and the more DIY Triggers. DIY isn't quite what i mean, but I can't find the word for it ATM.
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I'd suggest "generic" or "configurable" decoders, verses "custom", "specialty/specialized" or "OEM/Factory" decoders, for context examples.

I started looking at your first draft and have a few suggestions for concepts and principles, but I'm on-the-road until next week to give it reasonable attention. It may take quite a while for everyone to see, DL, and find time to examine your stuff. Be patient. :)
Last edited by PSIG on Tue Feb 27, 2024 5:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
By Logicaluk
PSIG wrote: Tue Feb 27, 2024 4:40 pm I'd suggest "generic" or "configurable" decoders, verses "custom", "specialty/specialized" or "OEM" decoders, for context examples.

I started looking at your first draft and have a few suggestions for concepts and principles, but I'm on-the-road until next week to give it reasonable attention. It may take quite a while for everyone to see, DL, and find time to examine your stuff. Be patient. :)
Cheers mate, happy travels, I look forward to seeing your response.

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