For any pieces of hardware directly related to Speeduino (ie Boards, components etc)
By Rednaxs60
have been perusing this and other forums and on-line for information on using this microprocessor instead of the Arduino Mega 2560. Like the small footprint and the Speeduino ECUs that use the Arduino Mega Pro microprocessor are also smaller in size.

I ordered an Arduino Mega Pro to do some testing, shouldn't have to have it connected to an interface board. Did get power to it from the Mac and PC, but Speedy Loader did not recognize the comm port it was plugged into.

My question is, is there a "trick" to getting the Arduino Mega Pro connected to Speedy Loader and then on to TS?

Thanks in advance.
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Works fine for me on Win10. :? Probably a missing driver. Is it a CH340 version? I plugged a new one in just now, checked Device Manager and it was on COM3. I already had the drivers loaded from other stuff. Fired up SpeedyLoader, it was listed, and installed latest FW. Opened TS and it's live. Good luck!
By Rednaxs60
@PSIG - thanks for the response. Went at again, used a different cable, one from the SENA headsets, connected to Speedy Loader and TS on the Mac and Toughbook that I use on the road.

Cables are a PITA.

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