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By Spesh

I use a speeduino 0.4 with a mega.

Secondary serial is used to run a digidash so is already in use.

I'd like to find an easy way to data log on a semi permanent basis, IE the data will log all the time.

I see various options from searching but most threads are unfinished or missing info.

What would be my best option to achieve this? I really don't want to have a pi with tunerstudio running just to log .

I have a teensy 3.5 here so could I get an adapter board and run that in place of the mega and use the onboard SD or is that a dropbear only option?

Thanks in advance
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By Spesh
Still not really found a solution for this, Ideally want something that will log from the minute the car starts until it stops like the dropbear does.

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