For any discussion not specifically related to your project
By stum
Hopefully this may be of some use to you. I had a play with realdash a while ago, about the time they developed the speeduino interface. I think it is similar to how others are using it. Most of it is for information, the real nuts and bolts is towards the end when I had success. Covers config of the blue tooth module etc.......



By E4ODnut
Hi Stum,
Yes, it will be a big help, thanks. Are you currently using RealDash in a vehicle?
I've been on their web site and did lots of searching on the forum but I'm still not clear on how the dashboards work themselves. There doesn't seem to be much documentation on it, or if there is I can't find it.
I am using Shadow Dash on a custom controller in my truck, but it's a bit clunky because it's not a true Megasquirt installation. I was able to build some custom dash pages (maximum of 4) but I don't' know how RealDash works in that regard. Can you build custom designs with multiple pages? Ideally I'd like to have a gauge for each of the real time variables.
By stum
No im not currently using it. I run speeduino on my comp truck. and trying to mount it and power it became problematic. I currently run a oil light and temp gauge. As long as the temp is warm enough and not toooo hot, and the light is not on. Full send.
When I had a play I was just using their standard templates, which was going to be close enough for my needs.

Regards StuM
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I'd say it depends on what you want from the display, as to which systems or methods you might use. I can get all the gauges, indicators and stuff in TunerStudio, and it allows me to also log, analyze, make settings changes or whatever, if and when I like. That's me and how I use it, more for function than appearance. Do your thing.
By E4ODnut
Yes, of course Tuner Studio does all that, but as far as I know that means a lap top. A small tablet would be just fine to display the real time variables.
By dazq
E4ODnut wrote: Sun Jan 08, 2023 5:09 pm Yes, of course Tuner Studio does all that, but as far as I know that means a lap top. A small tablet would be just fine to display the real time variables.
TS will run on a windows OS tablet , or a raspi .
You could use msdroid on an android tablet.
By E4ODnut
I never thought about a Windows tablet. That might work. In the mean time I can borrow an 8" android and see if I can get RealDash to work with Speeduino on that. Thanks.

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