For any discussion not specifically related to your project

I used to be a member of a Fakebook group about speeduino tuning, but I cannot find it anymore. I read something somewhere about discort, but as usual I am late to the party so I don't have a clue now where to go. Can someone give me a hint? I'm returning to tuning after sox months of uneventful (successful) driving my car with the Speeduino ECU, but now the turbo conversion is taking place.


Indeed reviewing background info, logs, tuning theory, experience and operations here should benefit the entire community more-so than an invitation-only closed board. Let them come here and tell everyone their advice, so we can all learn or participate! 8-) For one-on-one real-time work, there are other more-productive methods, but I'm happy to hear other opinions.
BTW, and to answer your subject title question—yes, I believe a new Forum category of "Tuning" or "Tuning Issues" should be added, under
General Discussion / Support / Your Projects / General

The basic tuning concepts and hardware sections of the old Wiki were not supported, and were deleted in the current Wiki for reasons I do not know, and is why building of those sections halted mid-stream. I cannot assist as I no longer have access to the Wiki, nor am I an Admin on the Forums. I'm just a user, and I'm fine with that. Perhaps others will jump-in to respond, or you'll have to ask the site owner for how to approach this chunk of substantially important info for users to support each other.

It has been a glaring peer-to-peer forum omission for a very long time, IMO. This is not a rant, just what I know (and don't), and I'm happy to help others here with specific issues if I can. 8-)

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