Help with building your Speeduino, installing it, getting it to run etc.
By BillSpeeduino
I have a Speeduino ECU setup powering a 2.3l Ford Lima Engine. The only thing left of the original car engine is the block, everything else is new and electronic. Motorcycle throttle body and Audi Ignition coils. right now it has a trigger wheel the is half on half off. So half the revolution is one, then the other half is off. I am measuring this with a optical sensor, it outputs high and low to the ECU.

Hears where things get weird, whenever I restart my laptop and crank the engine it detects RPM and the injectors and ignition coils fire for about a seconded before stopping. Now when it cranks Tunnerstudio detects it and displays full sync, but does not show any RPM. Whenever I restart the laptop and power cycle the ECU it shows RMP again for a second. Same thing happed when I just switched it to cam speed as a test. My current trigger wheel setup is bellow. I have tried all trigger filter options with no success.
Screenshot 2024-12-03 175715.png
Screenshot 2024-12-03 175715.png (35.25 KiB) Viewed 1455 times
Things I have tried
-Crank vs. Cam
-basic distributer, which showed RPM fine, just 4 times slower then the real RPM.
-Checked all sensor wiring
-Used a screw driver to hand trigger the optical, (Only showed full sync again)
-A few other small things
By stum
Im not sure if you will have enough teeth to make it work. you will probably need at a minimum one tooth per cyclinder (aka basic distributor) and more like 12+ at crank speed and 24 at cam if you are wanting to run fuel and spark. you might get away with less but I have run successfully at those values.

But cool project. I have a 2.3 Injected Turbo from a mid 80's Murker on the project list here.

Good luck
By BillSpeeduino
Hey thank you, my plan was to 3d print a trigger wheel with more teeth that I could run some tests with. I will see how that ends up going. I never had high hopes for the single tooth but I gave it a shot anyway because it fit in the old distributer drive. Thanks again.

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