Help with building your Speeduino, installing it, getting it to run etc.
Hello all:

I get the following error when attempting to use speedy loader while the MEGA 2560 board is attached to the speeduino board:

"avrdude: Version 7.2-arduino.1
Copyright the AVRDUDE authors;

System wide configuration file is C:\Users\usr\AppData\Local\Temp\2hoA2ZmVxYihTpzsfcoJXmqszf9\resources\bin\avrdude-windows\avrdude.conf

Using Port : COM3
Using Programmer : wiring
Overriding Baud Rate : 115200
avrdude stk500v2_recv() error: timeout
avrdude stk500v2_recv() error: timeout
avrdude stk500v2_recv() error: timeout
avrdude stk500v2_recv() error: timeout
avrdude stk500v2_recv() error: timeout
avrdude stk500v2_recv() error: timeout
avrdude stk500v2_getsync() error: timeout communicating with programmer
avrdude main() error: unable to open programmer wiring on port COM3

avrdude done. Thank you."

I do not get this errorr without with the MEGA 2560 alone.- not attatched to the speeduino board.

Any ideas?
So I think I figured it out. For the 0.4.3d board, there was a jumper/shunt meant for position “JP12”, however “JP12” was not printed on the board. Comparing images of the board online, “JP12” was meant for the “reset DSBL” pins, and I had a jumper connecting the two pins. Basically, upon removing the jumper from the “reset DSBL” position, speedy loader worked perfectly!

Unfortunately, there wasn’t much I could find on the “reset DSBL” pins. The “reset” is self explanatory, and I’m assuming “DSBL” stands for “disable”, but what is their specific purpose?
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