Anything not specifically related to the Speeduino hardware. Eg sensors, bluetooth, displays etc
By Pacman
I have just recently fired up my Speeduino V0.4.3D. After fixing an alternator issue, the engine now runs smooth and nice, at least in the garage.
One annoying issue is that the system restarts when i connect the USB from the computer. Also, the system occasionally shuts down for no apparent reason.
Someone suggested to check the reset control, and when doing so i found the jumper fix in the wiki. However, I can´t really understand how and where the wire should be routed: "This is as simple as running a wire from the control pin to the reset pin on your Arduino." What control pin, and which reset pin?

I also have a connection point on my 3D-board, see the picture. Some others that have the 3D board has a jumper connector here, but there was no connector in my kit. Can this be similar to the later reset switch found on V0.4.4D?

Mine V0.4.3d .JPG
Mine V0.4.3d .JPG (2.79 MiB) Viewed 966 times
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By 65ShelbyClone
You solder a pair of header pins into the two "RESET DSBL" holes and put a jumper on them. Alternatively you can solder two wires there instead and route them to a toggle switch that is accessible from outside the ECU enclosure.

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