Anything not specifically related to the Speeduino hardware. Eg sensors, bluetooth, displays etc
By corvairnut
New to Speeduino. I have years so experience with Microsquirt, but making the change.

My understanding is that I can't have 2 WBO2 sensors that adjust the VE tables or adjust fuel, only the O2 sensor pin will do that. I am running dual exhaust on a Corvair and each bank has its own Carb/Throttle Body (dual) so having each side have its own WBO2 is imperative. The Mircosquirt does it, but does not have a 3rd channel for staged injection.

First...Is that correct?
second...what is the chance for a firmware update to address that?

I know I can use it to monitor AFR, but really want both sides to actively change/adjust AFR on each bank independently based on the corresponding WBO2.

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By jonbill
are you using different injectors on the two banks, or something else that would make them work differently?
if not, its really not imperative to have independent ego control on each side.
you can prove it one way or the other: tune Speeduino with the single wbo2 sensor in thr right bank and then swap it to the left to see if it is different.
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Your "third" point is actually the bigger one, IMO.
corvairnut wrote: Thu Jan 19, 2023 6:53 pmI know I can use it to monitor AFR, but really want both sides to actively change/adjust AFR on each bank independently based on the corresponding WBO2.
Even if both O2s could affect corrections, they can't do it independently. Me, I wouldn't want dueling O2s anyway, and would prefer corrections from one primary sensor (either bank, monitor the other with a deviation alert if you like), using sequential individual cylinder fuel trims to get spot-on tuning for each cylinder, based on that reading. More reliable, stable and predictable. I would consider if the fueling is that far off from cylinder-to-cylinder or bank-to-bank, either bring each one in-line with ICFT (awesome feature) so they all match for all fuel corrections and modifiers, or fix the issue old-school.
corvairnut wrote: Thu Jan 19, 2023 6:53 pmFirst...Is that correct?
second...what is the chance for a firmware update to address that?
So with that in-mind, you are correct, and firmware additions may not be a priority for those reasons. Doesn't mean it can't, or that you can't create the feature and put it up for anyone that wants to use it. But also keep in-mind, there is limited room for more stuff, and so some priorities are applied. Do your thing and have fun! 8-)
By corvairnut
Thanks, Guys

I am really interested in the ICFT as if it is what it sounds like.. I will dig in deeper.

Using a Corvair engine, having bank-based WBO2 sensors is high in my book, so I may work on it myself. I have been following the Speeduino since the start, but just now taking the plunge.

Thanks for your input.

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Sounds good. Let us know your progress if you pursue corrections from multiple O2 to individual injector outputs.
jonbill wrote: Thu Jan 19, 2023 9:20 pm are you using different injectors on the two banks, or something else that would make them work differently?
This is the most basic question. If you have an engine that could operate differently on one bank than the other, that is a very unique situation, and will affect much more than just O2 corrections. If fueling is affected, then so is ignition timing, IAC volume, etc.

This is diagnostic problem solving. Identify the root issue, in order to approach solutions effectively. Consider why you need more than monitoring on other cylinders. Is it curiosity, or a physical issue, or something else? If so, what (exactly) is it? How best can you then counter the effects? An so on. We would love to hear your problem analysis. Good luck! 8-)

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