Anything not specifically related to the Speeduino hardware. Eg sensors, bluetooth, displays etc
By clmarti46

I was wondering if anyone can tell me how many on off cycles the arduino mega and speeduino take? For example key on and key off. I have worked with a lot of arduinos in the past and I know they are not the most robust.

Any help is appreciated.
Google it for the Arduino. It will also vary on the quality of the Arduino you actually use.

The Speeduino itself you would need to review each item and find the specs for them and find the one with the lowest value.

Oh and you would have to do it for each different model as well as all the 3rd party versions as they will all be different.
By dazq
clmarti46 wrote: Wed Nov 11, 2020 2:03 am Hello,

I was wondering if anyone can tell me how many on off cycles the arduino mega and speeduino take? For example key on and key off. I have worked with a lot of arduinos in the past and I know they are not the most robust.

Any help is appreciated.
Many people have been running speedy in their daily drivers for some years now with no reliability issues at all.
The mega2560 MCU is a commercial part designed to last for many hours use as are all the other parts we use, only poor assembly or installation should cause reliability issues.

Hello, I have just recently fired up my Speeduino[…]

programmable output

I understand better ! Thanks a lot

New here hello need help

Ok thank you for all the help I am going to build […]

it looks like you've not started with the base t[…]

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