For anything related to the 'official' Speeduino boards (Eg v0.3, v0.4 etc)
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By La Team Prep
In the Full Seq section for a 4 inline engine injectors wiring, It says "always firing numerically" (driver 1 to 4) with a common 1342 firing order, but in the drawing firing order is 1423!!! Hope I'm not mistaking
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The diagram appears correct to me. The INJ channels fire in numerical order, 1-2-3-4. Always. If the engine firing order is cylinders 1-3-4-2, then output order to match cylinder firing order:
INJ1 > Cyl1
INJ2 > Cyl3
INJ3 > Cyl4
INJ4 > Cyl2

INJ1-2-3-4 sequence matched to cylinder firing order sequence 1-3-4-2. Can you confirm?
PSIG wrote: Tue Aug 27, 2024 7:04 pm The diagram appears correct to me. The INJ channels fire in numerical order, 1-2-3-4. Always. If the engine firing order is cylinders 1-3-4-2, then output order to match cylinder firing order:
INJ1 > Cyl1
INJ2 > Cyl3
INJ3 > Cyl4
INJ4 > Cyl2

INJ1-2-3-4 sequence matched to cylinder firing order sequence 1-3-4-2. Can you confirm?
Oh! Sorry bout that, you're right! My bad!
Moderator can close this post! Thx
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No problem, and you are in a place we have all been. This is why I try to approach stuff by concepts and principles, rather than "do this" instructions; as once the concepts are understood, then you can do any engine. It's not rocket science, but when you understand the concepts, it's suddenly becomes easy. Move to the next thing, and grab those concepts. Keep going.

We've all been there, and we're happy to help you on your feet quicker, so you can walk and run. Then you get to help others. :lol: That's how it works in a perfect world.
PSIG wrote: Wed Aug 28, 2024 5:58 pm No problem, and you are in a place we have all been. This is why I try to approach stuff by concepts and principles, rather than "do this" instructions; as once the concepts are understood, then you can do any engine. It's not rocket science, but when you understand the concepts, it's suddenly becomes easy. Move to the next thing, and grab those concepts. Keep going.

We've all been there, and we're happy to help you on your feet quicker, so you can walk and run. Then you get to help others. :lol: That's how it works in a perfect world.
Yes, I agree, and that's what I love about "Speeduino"
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