Any general discussion around the firmware, what is does, how it does it etc.
So i've decided to have a go at the Renix 44-2-2 & 66-2-2-2 decoder. (the post originally said 44 tooth only but i got carried away, did the 66 and have had to come back and edit this!)

Due to the fact the 44 teeth on the trigger wheel don't nicely divide into 360 degrees I'm having to do a tiny fudge. Basically if you try to use every tooth you end up 0.1818 degrees out on the first tooth, that error increases every tooth. The solution is to find the teeth that line up nicely. This gives you eight teeth in total. Four at 0, 90, 180 & 270 degrees that are perfectly aligned. We then have 40.909090 degrees later we have another tooth. I've decided 0.1 degrees is close enough to give us an 8 tooth decoder.

(Technically you could add another 4 teeth using the same logic than less than 0.1 degrees accuracy is ok but the positioning doesn't I believe add to the solution).

I don't have one of these trigger wheels so i'll need some willing testers to have a play with it shortly. Please comment on this thread if you're interested in being involved. You will have to compile the code yourself (instructions are in the wiki and I'll provide a link).

No promises I'll finish this - I did say I wasn't doing any more trigger patterns till the winter to work on my car but I seem to have got carried away tonight.
First draft code is done - appears to work on my ardustim test rig.

I support the 44-2-2 pattern and 66-2-2-2. Both have a lot of assumptions so i'll need someone willing to have a go and then wait for me to do fixes. First thing i really need is the tooth logger / composite logs to double check i've assumed the relationship between crank and cam correctly. Luckily any changes should just be editing a number of two so quick to make.
(yes its now a badly named repository, both sets of code are in there)
Realised I've not updated this for a while. Found some problems with my code and firmware. Focused on the firmware. Have the 66 tooth code working but it occasionally had a glitch where the dwell is incorrect for one spark event. Some recent updates to spark may help fix this so when I get time I'll incorporate them and see what happens.

Code in GitHub is very out of date.

Once 66 tooth works 44 should take a few days to update.
So its taken me a lot longer than i anticipated as i went down a rabbit hole with an idea and then found something in the core code which distracted me. However I now have the first draft of the renix 44 and 66 decoder. You'll need to select Renix 44 or Renix 66 decoder from the trigger setup so the system knows which pattern to work with. I couldn't autodetect.

However .... this will not work today!!!

I've had to guess how the cam relates to the crank. If people can confirm the angle that the cam starts and ends for both 44 and 66 tooth cams I can then update the code and you should be able to test. Someone did kindly provide logs but i couldn't decypher them so ideally I'd like a screen shot from tunerstudio of the composite logger.

Current code is located here,
(yes i know the title says 44-2-2, it does cover both 44 and 66 tooth patterns)
Hii I'm new in the forum and I'm really interested in this topic! Nowadays, I'm working on my dissertation about controlling an old jeep engine using Renix 44 and I found your work incredible! ¿Is the code you are working on the latest version on GitHub?

I'm collaborating with some colleagues who restore the engines that use this sort of trigger wheel and maybe I could do some tests to help
Hi Miker.

Some info after testing your Renix44-2-2 code on a stock renault engine.

- TunerStudio MS Ultra registered v3.1.08.
- Speeduino board v0.4.3b
- Speeduino version 2022.04-dev from your repo
- Stock Renault VR sensor wiring backward.
- MAX9926 conditionner.
- Flywheel Renault pattern 44-2-2
- VR sensor 90° ATDC.
- No CAM sensor

Tooth logger looks promising and composite logger looks fine too. But cannot get sync so no RPM signal.
Side note : TunerStudio show me a warning when selecting Renix44 Trigger Pattern in Trigger Settings menu (see Debug file)

Renix44-2-2 tooth logger
Renix44-2-2 tooth logger
renix44_01.png (102.59 KiB) Viewed 6490 times
Renix44-2-2 composite logger
Renix44-2-2 composite logger
Renix44_02.png (108.07 KiB) Viewed 6490 times
TunerStudio CRC Failed Renix44
TunerStudio CRC Failed Renix44
Renix44_error.JPG (56 KiB) Viewed 6488 times
Best regards.
TunerStudio CRC failed Renix44
(13.55 KiB) Downloaded 347 times

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