Any general discussion around the firmware, what is does, how it does it etc.
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By transi
Hey Guy's,

I might be just to stupit to get it work, but I`m unable to get my Teensy 3.5 CAN Bus up and running.
Have designed a driver circuit using "MCP2551" see picture(only R100 and R102 are populated), but I can not get connected to speeduino for example via "FORScan" using ELM 327 adapter.
It connects to the ELM Adapter but will not connect to speeduino by saying "can not connect to car" see picture.

any help is highly appreciated!


// Transi
forscan.PNG (24.63 KiB) Viewed 6362 times
can_config.PNG (22.43 KiB) Viewed 6362 times
can_driver.PNG (22.35 KiB) Viewed 6362 times
By JHolland
I think someone was working on the code for OBD2 compatible CANBus some years ago, it may have been for an expansion board though. Have you looked in the firmware to see if this is supported? I have my doubts.
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By transi
basic stuff would be fine for me, but do I need to configure it anywhere in config filr to make it work?

And how should the can bus config look like in tunerstudio... I have no idea about CAN-Bus so far ;)
By dazq
Canbus for teensy and stm32 IS supported,
Currently a OBD2 style port is available following STD obd protocol.
An additional mode 22 PID is available to access the auxin data too.
This is all explained in the wiki including configuration of TS.
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By transi
Thanx dazq,

would you be so kind to post a link to the part of the wiki which includes the settings info's?`
Again, I have no idea about CAN so far....... have only found info's on pid's in wiki but nothing about how to configure.

Thanx in advance,

// Transi
Why do you need a direct link?

The wiki has a search function...

And you can look at all the different pages on the left hand side menu.

Don't use a mobile phone though obviously.

If you need to know how to actually use canbus then google it.

It's expected you know how it all works and you just need info on Speeduino's implementation.
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By transi
@theonewithin : thanx for your detailed help :o
have tried to find out everything by my own while digging through wiki, but I didn't find really a guide how to configute the adresses and stuff in Tunerstudio.

If I look to this link in wiki it say's it's supported with second serial but there is nothing cause of direct can support of teensy35 which I want to use...... ... _interface

I only want to get live data out of the speeduino readable from a standard OBD display software, this is, why I have integrated a "MCP2551 can transceiver chip" to teensy board to use teensy's own CAN bus implemantation and thought it is already supported by speeduinio using "CAN0TX and CAN0RX" pins from teensy module.

Sorry, That I don't speak CAN protocol maybe later but for now I only need livedata via OBD2 protocol to be read by a display, or computer using ELM327 interface.

So I would be very happy if anyone, which is using internal can bus of teensy35 would share ether circuit, if mine is wrong and or settings for tunerstudio.

Thanx in advance,

// Thomas

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